Hey there ppl!!

How are things? I gave my iPad Air to Zilpah. I think she likes it good enough. It went to a good home so, I am happy, I still have the mini though.

Today was an ok day. My mother said that I look like the cutest happiest animal in the world — I am not sure what it is called… but it sounds like, “coo-oh-ko”. Never heard of them but they are cute indeed. 🙂 Has anyone heard of this? It may be a marsupial… it sounds and looks like one. If someone knows wtf I’m talking about please enlighten me.

My sister Julz is addicted to the Cleveland Show. I myself am partial to Bob’s Burgers and American Dad. The Cleveland Show is ridiculous. *rolls eyes* When you watch it non stop, like Julz does, listening to it is a bit tiresome….

So what is up for tomorrow for y’all? I am just relaxing, bc yesterday I did my computer maintenance… I was fucking bored. I just got out this afternoon. For 3 days I was stuck in my room sick as a dog…not fun at all. 

Sunday is another free day. Actually the whole weekend is free as a bird… 🙂

I have some disinfectant wipes, that I will use to wipe down my stuff, my computer, my iPad mini, my two phones, my 3ds XL, my water bottles. my dresser etc etc…

3 things I’m grateful for tonight.

  • Liz for bathing me after a week and a half.
  • Getting out into the common areas again
  • me beating the S1 flu – I kicked it’s butt.


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October 28, 2022

I think pikas are the cutest animals. People go to Rocky Mountain National Park to look at them. They are survivors and adorable! Here they live in the mountains above the tree line. That means where it’s too high for trees to grow, they are out there living and chilling. I’m not saying you’re like a pika but they are very cute.

October 28, 2022

@heffay <3 I love them!!!! So cute!!! 😀