Getting quacking lazy is what it is…
December 4th – What was the last thing you used your phone for, besides calling/texting?
Listening to music, and checking my e-mail.
I am registered for this Wednesday night for Heartfulness… which is like meditation and stuff like that… like mindfulness but with the heart, it’s this Wednesday at 7p to 8p…. or was it 8-9p? Anyways, it’s a Zoom group… and I’m just a bit nervous bc well… first time jitters?? Nothing I can’t overcome. I expect it to go well… positive vibes right? I just hope that I don’t get sleepy bc bedtime meds are at 7p. That would be embarrassing bc they would maybe think I’m rude? Nooo… screw that. It will go good. I know this bc I am a confident friendly person and the people there will be ok. Just gotta keep that in mind.
Today was a bit boring. I slept twice, once in the morning near lunchtime, and once around 2:45-ish.
Was watching a Celtic Family Christmas, really good fiddlers and dancers, and a really nice soloist who sang ‘O Holy Night’. Beautiful voice. They had the kids playing too… they are really talented!! One even tap danced on a piano! She must have been like 12? There was this 7 year old fiddler and boy howdy was he ever good!! They had bagpipes too.. those suckers need a lot of lung power like the trumpet. I wish I had stuck with the violin. It truly is a great instrument.
Well… I’m going to just relax, tomorrow I will add to my site.
The violin is such a beautiful instrument but it can be a challenge to learn how to play! Katie, my daughter, stuck with the violin and can play beautifully! Maybe someday you can take violin lessons. You just never know what the future holds! How wonderful that you are going to participate in the Heartfulness group! That’s fantastic!
@wildrose_2 I’d love to take my the violin again.
I am looking forward to this.
I’m nervous and feel like ghosting them but I won’t.
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Music requires lots of practice. I took guitar lessons for several years and was adequate but didn’t stick with it, either. If I could study an instrument now, I would prefer learning either the cello or piano. But I honestly don’t think I have any particular musical bent or talent — although I have a deep appreciation for all kinds of music.
@darkmadonna True. I love music.
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I last used my phone to get on Facebook, other than texting with my daughter.
@happyathome I also use it as a glucose monitor and yes, FB… unfortunately.
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