The Kendrick Legacy – 0.1

I’m listening to the Plain White T’s Rhythm of Love…

Here is your first legacy on my OD account.


Meet Floralei Kendrick. I got her name from here. Purely random. It is a great site.



Her home…


First thing she does, is paint… a girl of my own heart.


She learned how to look after babies. (I wish rl babies came with instructions… lol!)


She got called out to Crypt-O-Night club… on a group date but… there was only this guy…


The guy has literally no shoes… so did Shoeless Joe but this guy just looked homeless.


Mrs. Crumplebottom be trollin’… and then I thought, well maybe…

So, I boolpropped her with the old crone.

But holy shite…


What a beautiful baby boy! Meet Aldric Kendrick. Those eyes with that skin? Oh yes!


Aww… mother and son are bonding well..

I will age up Aldric and get her pregnant again… I think this will be a 100 Baby Challenge maybe?

I want to start an Alphabetacy Legacy 


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June 23, 2020


June 23, 2020

Floralea, you’re wearing too much mascara today. I think you would look so much better with just one layer of mascara.

June 23, 2020

Is it mascara or eyeliner? It’s been years since my days of crossdressing on the weekends.

June 23, 2020

@socialstephen I made it that way, so that I can showcase her ice blue eyes.

June 23, 2020

It will be interesting how this story turns out…..Where is the daddy for this baby?

June 23, 2020

@jaythesmartone The mother is the old lady looking shady…

June 23, 2020

Can’t wait to see Aldrick grow up.

June 23, 2020

@justamillennial Aldric will toddlerize soon. 😀