The Kendrick Legacy – 0.1

I’m listening to the Plain White T’s Rhythm of Love…
Here is your first legacy on my OD account.
Meet Floralei Kendrick. I got her name from here. Purely random. It is a great site.
Her home…
First thing she does, is paint… a girl of my own heart.
She learned how to look after babies. (I wish rl babies came with instructions… lol!)
She got called out to Crypt-O-Night club… on a group date but… there was only this guy…
The guy has literally no shoes… so did Shoeless Joe but this guy just looked homeless.
Mrs. Crumplebottom be trollin’… and then I thought, well maybe…
So, I boolpropped her with the old crone.
But holy shite…
What a beautiful baby boy! Meet Aldric Kendrick. Those eyes with that skin? Oh yes!
Aww… mother and son are bonding well..
I will age up Aldric and get her pregnant again… I think this will be a 100 Baby Challenge maybe?
I want to start an Alphabetacy Legacy …
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Floralea, you’re wearing too much mascara today. I think you would look so much better with just one layer of mascara.
Is it mascara or eyeliner? It’s been years since my days of crossdressing on the weekends.
@socialstephen I made it that way, so that I can showcase her ice blue eyes.
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It will be interesting how this story turns out…..Where is the daddy for this baby?
@jaythesmartone The mother is the old lady looking shady…
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Can’t wait to see Aldrick grow up.
@justamillennial Aldric will toddlerize soon.
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