
So, how are y’all tonight? It was Taco Tuesday at our home. I had a hard and soft shelled taco. I kind of lost half of the hard taco to the soft taco but still was nommy.
I’m listening to REO Speedwagon. I had my shower but the sweaties have come creeping back bc it is so FUCKING hot in my room.
Julz gave Cath her tab bc Bees found my iPad so I gave Julz my tab… as it has more space. Hers was a 16 gig, mine was a 64… my iPad is 100 gig I think… it’s an iPad 2… I think. Crikey. It gets confusing at times. Bees is going to get me a cord and a brick from Amir.
My email is sjhunter99@icloud.com ok?
Toodles beautiful ODers!
My daughter always has taco Tuesday. 😛
It’s hot here too. Try to stay cool.
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We have some tortillas that have to be cooked and some taco meat! I am looking forward to that for dinner!
Music in the background? Grateful Dead on Sirius!
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Here our Toco Tuesday place is like $1.50 now plus tax…It’s not worth it and for me to make it I like too much stuff in mine, but no beans.
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Tonight was summer strawberry salad from Wendy’s. I was at the gym prior to that. It was a slow day again. I had a meeting at lunch time and a nap before I went to the gym.
tomorrow will be a fairly long day. Gym in the morning a training class in the afternoon and a meetup in the evening.
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I never did understand the concept of a hard taco shell. Unless people actually enjoy the taco falling apart in your hand when you take a bite of it. If the taco meat is greasy, then it soaks through the taco shell and the taco shell doesn’t crumble apart. All Hail Greasy Taco Meat!
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I love tacos! But especially soft tacos.
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