
I got an apartment FINALLY!  Out of Josh’s which is nice. I get to have a boyfriend again, not a room mate. 

I went a spent a butt-load at Wal*Mart. I was "that woman." The one that’s at Wal*Mart on a crowded Saturday afternoon with a FULL cart right in front of you at the check-out line. A lady with like, 6 items got behind me and I felt bad so I put my stuff back in the cart and was like, "Please go ahead of me. I hate people like me and I’ve never been "me" before today. So please, go ahead." But I had NOTHING for my apartment so I had to furnish it. Now all my stuff in my kitchen matches and is really colorful.

The last apartment I lived in was weird bc it wasn’t technically mine, I shared it with a friend and could never sleep there. I’d always freak myself out or just lay there staring at the celing wondering why I couldn’t sleep. This one I don’t even have a bed for yet and slept there all by myself the second night I had it. Granted I’m still sore from sleeping on the ground but it was good sleep nonetheless.

I’m in Rockwall with Bootwang right now so we can take my bed and dresser up so I don’t have to sleep on the floor or put my clothes on the floor anymore. I’m so excited to have my bed again!!! I haven’ had it in almost two years and I L-O-V-E it. There’s just something about having YOUR bed….ahh I’m getting sleepy just thinking about it.

When we got here today we stopped by the house for a sec before we went and had appetizers at Reunion Tower followed by dinner at El Fenix and dessert at The Cheesecake Factory. It was quite an evening and I’m pooped.

Love to all.

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March 22, 2006

i hate her [insert period here] seriously though. we’ll talk later… if you’re ever home.. BY YOURSELF. :]

April 5, 2006

there are a lot of problems. but right now i’m pissed that mom came up there and didn’t effing take me. WTF?! i’m the one who wants to see the most. what a bitch. gah! i really am pissed off at her. REALLY pissed off.

May 8, 2006

Apartments are cool- I’m signing a lease on Wednesday, so I’m right there with yah. Nice to be back on OD. Hope to run into some old pals. See you around. A guy

July 23, 2006

dear lyndse. i love you. but i hate you too. but i’ll call and explain it ALL later. 😀