Why Don’t Ya Do Somethin?

….!! Life is going BEAUTIFULLY!!

I was way pumped because it’s the boyfriend’s birthday this Friday and he was telling me about past suprise party flops (and how he HATES suprises) and how he normally just works on his birthday, so I’ve planned him a party that he knows about at a place he likes with people he cares about. I’ve got a fabulous cake in the works…pictures soon!, and this entire week I’ve given him a present a day because I want birthdays to be special for him. I’m technically a day behind, but I hope to be caught up by tomorrow night! Sunday was cheesecake, Monday was the day I got behind and yesterday was an automatic tie rack, since he’s gotta wear ties at work now. 🙂 I’ll tell you the rest later…for now it’s a secret!!!

The reason I got behind on Monday is because I got called in to work an extra shift. I was more than happy to do it, because I knew this week was going to be expensvie (not that I cared in the LEAST!) and every extra hour meant another 6.75 for me, so I didn’t have time to get his present in time. ANYWAYS…I get to work and my manager proceeds to tell me that one of the guys there got fired and wants to know if I’d be interested in taking all his shifts so she didn’t have to call anybody. Um….YES!!!!! Which means I’m working a total of 37 hours this week. When I told her how excited I was since week after next I’ll be at camp and not get to work at all – she wrote me in for 36 hours for NEXT week!!!

And if that wasn’t enough good news…I decided to move in with Jess!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ve got all my stuff packed and we’re moving it in tonight and/or tomorrow morning!

I’m in such a good mood I can’t even focus…I will write more later!

*Love Until Later!*

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I am really glad to hear you are doing so well!! I will be up in OKC soon, I will come visit you slut!! I hope you aren’t gonna forget about Texas though! Haha. Have a good one! Love Ya!