That’s A JOKE Right?!

This is a rant entry. Please grasp that before you read any farther. I’m about to just start typing what’s in my head and I will probably…scratch that…I know I will say things I probably shouldn’t so I apologize for that now. If you get offended easily, or will judge me for passionate language go ahead and close out of this page.

JMatlock- if you still read this then this entry will upset you. understand it’s not you – it’s the mindset. whatever. i just needed to rave. take it for what it’s worth. it’s just an opinion. it’s not neccisarily right. i’m not claiming to be perfect or a know it all. but that’s always how i sound when i rant. beware.


Why do people I know and care about get so damn judgemental because they are self proclaimed Christians????? Why do they think it’s so hard for some people to come to church in the first place?! UM PROLLY BECAUSE OF SELF RIGHTEOUS JUDGEMENTAL PEOPLE LIKE YOU DUMBASS! (this is applied to the first example not the second!)

If somebody is acting a way that they do not understand or is different from what they were taught that person is automatically somebody to be pitied. Or written off as somebody not worth their precious time. It doesn’t matter if the person is their close friend, random aquaintance, or even a SIBILING for crying out loud. I’m just like THAT’S A JOKE RIGHT?!

And then I step back and think, I don’t do that do I? I try not to. And I would like to think that these people try not to either, but I highly doubt it.

I was having a pretty serious conversation online with a friend I hadn’t seen or talked to in awhile and in the middle of the conversation he types "Oh man. The movie I’m watching just dropped the "F-Bomb" ! Better go change the channel!"

I seriously almost typed out – You’re fucking kidding right? But I refrained.

Why the HELL would you break into a serious conversation to tell me what great noble thing you just did?? It’s not like I was in the room or heard it or in any way was offended. Mainly because I DIDN’T EVEN HEAR IT IN THE FIRST PLACE! Besides, curse words don’t really bother me. I think there are situations where they are innapropriate. And in most cases they aren’t neccisary. But sometimes…yeah.

I honestly think that if this person knew I cursed, smoked and DRANK (GOD FORBID) he would stop hanging out with me. Even though we have been friends for over a decade now AND I would never do any of those things in front of him because he doesn’t like those things. But if I respect his side of it shouldn’t he respect my side? I’m not asking him to agree with it. And respecting me doesn’t mean he condones it. He’d never understand that though.

And now I have a friend that is looking down on his little brother because he’s got a myspace and would rather spend time on there than oustide. Thinks that generation won’t mature properly.

No, I’m not kidding.

I wrote him a note, explaining that their generation is different than ours. We’ll never understand our younger sibilings because they are different people than we are. Siblings are the perfect example that you can have two people go through the same thing and come out of it with a completely different opinion on it. Be affected completely differently. And that is OKAY. Our younger sibilings are not supposed to be carbon copies of us. Nor are they supposed to be a "better version" of us. They are just supposed to be their own person. We didn’t have the internet growing up. They do. So what? it’s not like the computer is the only means of communication. Little kids go to school all day. They have plenty of interaction.

It just really all upsets me. Josh doesn’t go to church because of people like these. That kills me. Yeah, it’s his excuse to not go but how many people does the church run off everyday because of situations like this? It scares me to be honest.

I’m not saying I’m the perfect example by any means. Jesus is the only perfect example. But perfect can be hard to relate to also. That’s why we have grace isn’t it? To help us through the parts we don’t understand.

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February 7, 2007

Ranting is great! Yeah. I really like what you said about siblings. How damned true. 😀

February 7, 2007


February 11, 2007

You make me proud. I like everything you just said.