Sorry ‘Bout That…

So I’ve been bothering some people *cough*Justin*cough* to update their xangas and whatnot, when I realized…it’s almost been a week and a half since I updated my own. Oops.

Well, let’s see. I went home this past weekend. I was planning on leaving Thursday evening after I got off work, but I got to Norman (which is about 45 min away for those of you who are non-Oklahomans) when I realized it just wasn’t happening. I was too tired, the weather was getting nasty and I had road-rage like nobody’s business. So I came back, slept it up, and left on Friday. I just kinda chilled with the family on Friday, went to lunch with one set of grandparents (Mom’s) and then took Kristen and Alex to see the grandparents that night. On Saturday we went to Six Flags. We had an extra ticket because Alex couldn’t go so I invited my friend from HS, Jordan. I haven’t seen Jordan since graduation, he sees my parents like, every single time he comes into town, but I’m never there so we kept missing each other. We talked back in the fall for like, 2 hours on the phone, but that was the last I’d heard form him. So that was a lot of fun. In the entire 7 hours we were there we rode, like, 5 rides. đŸ™‚ And I got sunburned, but it was fun. Sunday I went to church and made it back to Oklahoma just in time to buy some old lady shoes and get to work.

I watched Donnie Darko last night. It’s got Jake Gyllenhaal, Maggie Gyleenhaal, Drew Barrymore, Noah Wylie, Patrick Swayze, and Jenna something-or-other. Malone I think. It was weird, and it made me think A LOT. I dunno. It was kind of upsetting. But Jake Gyllenhaal is B-E-A-UTIFUL! So it’s all good.

Tomorrow, I’m headed back to Arlington with Josh, Andrew and Stephanie to go BACK to Six Flags…

that’s all for now.

*Love Until Later*

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