‘Nother Dumb Survey

Section 1 ~ About Yourself


1. Known as: Lyndse
2. Lives in: Edmond, OK

3. First breath: 10.01.1985

4. School: Oklahoma Christian

5. Grade: Freshman (2nd year)

6. Hair color: yellow

7. Eye color: green

8. Hairstyle: shoulder length

9. Fears: ET!

10. Height: 5’6”


11. Weight: 139

12. Piercings: 9

13. Tattoos: soon to come


14. Righty or Lefty: right


15. Glasses/Contacts: neither




Section 2 ~ Have You Ever …


1. Cheated on someone: nope. Not worth it.


2. Been cheated on: Closer to that than I wanna think about…

3. Fallen off the bed: haha. Many times


4. Broke someone’s heart: I might have…


5. Had your heart broken: Yeah, more like shattered

6. Had a dream come true: yes
7. Done something you regret: just tryin to learn from those…

8. Cheated on a test: once or twice… lol




Section 4 ~ Do You …


1. Brush your teeth: Duh, my mom is a dental hygienist… of course I do.


2. Like anybody: you could say that…

3. Have any piercings: 9

4. Drive: a Jeep Cherokee (green)

5. Drink: Yes but I’ve never been drunk

6. Smoke: yup

7. Have a pager: nope


8. Have a cell phone: why yes, yes I do


9. Have a laptop: yup

10. Have a TV in your room: Not currently, but I do during the school year.



Section 9 ~ Do You …


1. Like to give hugs: not normally

2. Like to give kisses: yes


3. Like to walk in the rain: yes


4. Prefer black or blue pens: black


5. Like to travel: yes


6. Sleep on your side, tummy, or back:  All.

7. Think you’re attractive: when i want to be

8. Have a goldfish: I wish I did


9. Ever have the falling dream: yes

10. Have stuffed animals: yes




Section 10 ~ What Do You Think About …


1. Abortion: Don’t judge what you don’t know

2. Smoking: nice buzz

3. Eating Disorders: too hard for me

4. Suicide: God makes happy endings, so if it’s not happy then it’s prolly not the ending.


5. Summer: LOVE IT


6. Tattoos: I want them


7. Piercings: I like them




Section 11 ~ This or That …


1. Pierced nose or tongue: tongue! (which i have)

2. Single or taken: single and enjoying it, but i’d still rather be taken

3. MTV or BET: mTv

4. 7th Heaven or


‘s Creek: The Creek

5. Sugar of salt: Sugar

6. Silver or gold: silver


7. Chocolate or flowers: flowers – pink ones. Unless you’re serious then they should be red. If you’re speakin’ in "I’m-thinkin-possibly-forever" terms – there should be white ones and pink ones.

8. Color or black and white photos: black and white.


9. Staying up late or sleep in: I like them both… but if I had to I would stay up late


10. Hot or cold: cold

11. Sun or moon: moon


12. Left or right: left


13. 10 Acquaintances or one best friend: one best friend


14. Mustard or ketchup: mustard!


15. Spring or fall: fal



16. Happy or sad: HAPPY


17. Wonder or amazement: amazement


18. McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King

19. Mexican or Italian: mmmm. Both!


20. Lights on or off: Am I in the shower by any chance? 🙂

21. Candy or soda: candy


22. Pepsi or coke: neither. Dr. Pepper is frickin’ totally BETTER




Section 13 ~ Crying


1. When was the last time you really cried your heart out: 2 weeks ago this Saturday
2. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep: once

3. Ever cried on your friend’s shoulder: yeah

4. Ever cried over the opposite sex: see #1

5. Do you cry when you get an injury: nope. I take pain.


6. Do certain songs make you cry: yeah… they just make me remember


7. Can you make yourself cry: no, dangit!



Section 14 ~ Pain


1. What’s the hardest thing you’ve ever had to go through: keeping myself from what I want the most

2. What’s the worst thing you’ve done to somebody else: tell their secret

3. Ever had a painful break up: !!!!

4. What about the old ‘pain for pleasure’:  Possible, yet rare.

5. Do you inflict pain on yourself: Nope



Section 15 ~ Happy


1. Are you normally a happy person: yup

2. What can make you happy: Me

3. Do you wish you were happier: Everybody does sometimes


4. What makes you the happiest: Getting a certain look from a certain someone.

5. Is being happy overrated: NO


6. What about being with your friends, does that make you happy: always.


7. Can music make you happy: If you’ll let it.



Section 16 ~ Love


1. How many times have you had your heart broken: once.

2. Do you still have feelings for any of your old significant others: Nope.


3. Have you ever loved someone so much, that you’d die for them: Yes
4. Did you ever love a girl//guy, tell them that, and only got ‘thanks’ as a reply: nope. but i’ve said that before…

5. Ever loved someone so much, it hurt and made you cry? : Yeah, as cheesy as that sounds

6. Besides your friends and family have anyone ever said ‘i love you’ to you: yea


7. Ever stopped a relationship because they didn’t say ‘i love you’: nope.



Section 17 ~ Hate


1. Who do you actually hate: Nobody

2. Ever made a hit list: haha NO!

3. Have you ever been on a hit list: hahaha I dunno


4. Are you a mean bully:  only if you want me to be


5. Do you hate anyone that breaks your heart: no

6. Do you hate George Bush: nope.




Section 18 ~ Self-esteem


1. Is your self-esteem extremely low: Not even close

2. Do you believe in yourself: yes.


3. When people say they think you are handsome//beautiful, do you deny you are: I just blush and say thanks.

4. Are you one of those idiots that think they are ugly, dumb, and fat: I defiantly have my days.


5. Ever wanted to kill yourself because you thought you weren’t good enough: nope

6. Are you happy with who you are: I am happy with who I am

7. Do you wish you can be someone else: nope


*Love Until Later*

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