
Life is so good right now!

We went shopping and I got some skirts and jackets from Hollister.  Then we went by Verizon and they couldn’t upload my stuff because my old phone doesn’t have the GPS tracking device for 911 calls….silly safety features! But he gave me the number to actually CALL the insurance…which I did and less than 12 hours later I had my new phone! It’s a lot of fun and the camera has a flash. Which is kinda silly cuz it doesn’t make that big of a difference but oh well. 🙂

I came back to OK yesterday and went and worked and that was fine and then I went to the wh with Paul and met Josh and then Keagan came up. Then I went and helped Josh with his paper route. It was SO much fun. I’m pretty sure we were laughing the entire 5 hours we were out.

For all of you that don’t know – we broke up about 2 and a half weeks ago. I’m okay with it now, and that’s only happened recently.  We’re taking a break and just chilling basically, which is good for both of us. As cliche as it sounds…I need to figure out who I am without a guy. Which I was terrified of at first, but I’m finding that I am a fun person on my own and I really like who I’ve become.

But hanging out with him was nice. Yeah, I still wanted him to kiss me, and yeah I would’ve rather cuddled on the couch when we stopped by his house for him to take his insulin. But he didn’t and we didn’t and it was okay. I didn’t go back to my apartment upset that we didn’t. Because we’re learning to be friends, because we basically just started dating – we never really got to know each other. There are still things we don’t know and are just now figuring out. And it’s FUN. He’s still my "best friend" – there’s just more honest truth to that now. It’s not just because he’s the one I’m around the most.

I’m up at OC right now, chillin’ and charging up my computer. Got my bank stuff firgured out, am about to go shop a little (having a credit card and knowing how to be responsible with it is NICE) and then I’m gonna shower, go figure out my credit card bill, pay that, and then go to a movie.

Being simply single has it’s perks. I can do what I want when I want, by myself and not feel bad. It shouldn’t have made me feel bad when we were together – it’s just more things I’m learning. I’ve learned to revel in the simple things because
 if you just sit around waiting for life changing moments to make you excited about life and don’t take pride in the little things- you’re only going to be dissapointed and never feel like your life is good enough.

That’s my tid-bit for the day. 🙂 Y’all have a good one.

*Love Until Later*

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