Yet Another Dazzling, Stupendous Survey

I stole this from Stormie Rogue’s diary….I don’t have much to say really. I saw the movie Gosford Park, it wasn’t spectacular, too much talking and an obvious killer….well obvious because ‘they’re’ the only unobvious killer.

12 things that annoy you

01. Posers. You know the ones, the ‘goths.’ The ‘woe-is-me, life is a tragic waste of time and I shall lament forevermore.’ Those people are total idiots, because they act like jackasses all the time.

02. Stupid people….oh my lord, I can’t handle people who just won’t take advantage of the thing known as knowledge….people who stay away from knowledge like the famine I dislike.

03. Really slow drivers….oh my lord, the speed limit is not a maximum….oh wait….it is…..well use it then!

04. People who treat me like I’m stupid. Like my mom. Brad, when you’re out swimming, don’t touch electrical wires….duhhhhhhhh…..

05. My love-life. Bugger.

06. My parents. OH would you shut-up already before I kill you!! GAHHHHH!

07. Ignorant people. The kind of people who make generalizations like, the problem with this country is that the blacks steal everything. Christ, shut the hell up you stupid morons.

08. Overly sensitive people. Get a life and a sense of humor people. Life is not the most serious thing in the world, think about the things we do….what the hell are we thinking? It’s rather goofy.

09. Bible-bangers. Not religious people, but those over zealous freaks who run around deciding whose going to burn in hell and why. Can anyone say David Wattenford?

10. The way my face stretches when I smile. Oh yeah, it’s like made of elastic.

11. Bad actors and directors. When I watch a play the first person I fault is the actor for thinking they could pull off a part that they obviously can’t. Then I fault the director for either not making them better or replacing them. There really is no excuse.

12. The fact my car has no radio. UGGGHHHHH.

11 people you’d want to stay alive

1. Bekah

2. Rachel

3. Jen

4. My FOD favorites….except one who shall remain nameless.

5. Well, technically, since I really don’t know who to put, I’d say I want everybody to live as long as possible.

6. Greg

7. Nate Messina Anderson

8. Lindsey

9. Casey

10. My family, besides Greg…they rank differently.

11. Jessica

10 things you’d like to change about yourself

1. The fact that my six pack only shows when I sit down and flex hard…;)

2. The sensitivity to something touching my eyes…contacts would be nice to wear.

3. My arms shouldn’t be so long.

4. My courage, well, the fact that I lack it, at least in love.

5. My elastic face….but only a smidgeon

6. I have a tiny bend in my nose, I guess I’d change that since I can’t think of much.

7. I wish I was a better singer

8. I wish I had better mid-level motor skills.

9, 10.– I like myself really, there’s not much I’d change really. Most of the things about me are slight. I pride myself and wouldn’t want to change, I just wish I could change the way people saw me.

9 things you wear daily

1. Glasses

2. Boxers

3. Shorts

4. A smile…..awwwww

5. Almost always a shirt…;p

6. Hair gel, if you call that wearing.

7. Sometimes sandals, only when I need to go somewhere.

8, 9. Once again, that’s it.

8 movies you’d watch over and over

1. The Matrix

2. Good Morning, Vietnam

3. What About Bob?

4. The Way of the Gun

5. Lord of the Rings

6. Heat

7. The Jerk

8. The Three Amigos

7 names you like to call people

(Usually I don’t use names)

1. Babe…very rarely.

2. Ass… those I hate.

3. Usually, I just use nicknames. Beks for Beks

4. Jen for Jen

5. Jess for Jess

6. Rach for Rachel

7. Idiot….for me…;)

6 objects you touch every day

1. The keyboard

2. The TV remote

3. My laptop

4. My current book

5. The phone

6. Chocolate ice cream

5 things you do every day

1. Write

2. Listen to music

3. Think about love

4. Read

5. Eat

4 foods you couldn’t live without

1. Chocolate ice cream

2. Dr. Pepper

3. Tomatoes

4. Shrimp

3 of your favorite songs at the moment

1. Hero (From Spider-Man soundtrack)

2. That audiovent song on the radio

3. Interestingly enough, the Dido song “Here with Me”

2 people that have influenced your life the most

1. My alternate personality

2. Chris-Hopkins Hile

1 person you would do in a second

1. Wow…where does the list begin…..sheesh….of course it would have to be the right moment….*cough cough*

Log in to write a note

*giggles* I like your answers!

alrýght I’m stealýng thýs survey!!! of and I hope I wasn’t the one unnamed person the dýe from your favorýtes :-p !!! see ya soon

first the bend in your nose adds character and not the bad least you HAVE a six pack (my tummy is smaller but not 6pak style).i guess i cant be offended by not being on your list of ppl you dont want to die cuz i havent seen you for so long. I will be at good ol’ UWBC (so many memories around that FA building ya now :p) for two years and then i will be transferring to UW-Stevens Point….

Guess what i am majoring in?!?! BTW are you in any plays that i could go watch? If it is ok with you, i mean. Oh yeah i have an idea too..if i can tap into your busy schedule…? And where are you attending college? And crap i cant believe i dont remember…are you older than me?? i think you might be..cuz i dont turn 19 until this October..

geez im spamming you again! An’ you will either have to spam me to death to answer all my questions, or call me. up to u i spose. But perhaps the latter might be easier? I dont know i could be wrong..~jacinda

oh yea, your question..nothing i spose…but im paranoid enough as it is without seeing polka-dotted elephants climbing up my wall, or underwear knomes popping out of my dresser 🙂 ok i’ll shut up now.

grrrrr! ur note said you left me an email that should have gotten to me by now…where is it!?!?? sorry not your fault..i will email u back if/when i do recieve it…i checked my mailing address i gave it to you correctly…oh btw 458-3194. Use it well, my friend :p u call first…i will be home saturday until 2pm. if im not awake for some reason in the morning you can tell them to wake me up 🙂