Yes….I know…it’s more surveys!!!

These are results of some other surveys I took(all honestly…ack!)

The Bastard Test:

48% bastard!

27% of which is Tard

The Gender Test:

You are a man! (But it was a close call)<—isn't that mean?

The Greed Test:

Greedy Animal! You are…

64% greedy!

In addition, we have determined that for a small bribe of 131 bucks, you’d spread a jar mayonnaise in your underwear and wear it for a month straight.

Good luck with your future life.

The Wealth Test:

Congratulations! Based on inflation, taxes, the anticipated world economy, melting icecaps, free love, the global yeast war of 2017, the Canadian depression of 2021, and your personal financial outlook, you can expect to be worth one million dollars at…30 years old!

$130,000 through insider trading.

$195,000 being a star.

$257,000 criminal mischief.

$322,000 working 9 to 5.

$96,000 keeping the money that people drop, jerk.

Somehow I’ve become portrayed as evil through these…hmmm…;)

The Un-telligence Test:

“The subject shows an above average level of intelligence, and his sense of observation is one of his best qualities. Considering this, he shows a lot of potential, but that’s only part of the equation.

“But what concerns us most about him is his sinister and violent attitude. While we almost find it amusing that the subject would rather kill something than suffer a minor inconvenience, it effectively destroys his ability to survive tight situations. Our study suggests there is a 56% chance that he will end up in prison!

“Finally, the subject displayed a healthy (better than most net freaks anyway) sense of humor, a decent and respectable sense of morality, and a hot shot self-confidence. The balance of these three traits is important; high levels of confidence, medium levels of morality, and a good level of humor make for the strongest individuals.”

Final Score: 54% Un-telligent

The Death Test:

April 5, 2051

at the age of 67 years old.

On that date you will most likely die from:

Homicide (15%)

Cancer (15%)

Alcoholism (10%)

Horrible Accident (7%)

Drowning (7%)

Heart Attack (6%)

Alien Abduction (5%)

Loneliness (5%)

Log in to write a note

Haha, you evil, sinister man! Very nearly a woman, heh. I’m sure that just means you’re..sensitive. Or perhaps not, I can’t imagine such a vile, horrid person having feelings, haha. Either way…interesting. Always,

ahh, 15% chance you die from homicide! kinda freaky

hm…those didnt seem very good..sheesh..ud rather kill someone? did u answer that way in humor or did they assume that? lol cuz sometime ppl answer to be funny like that..anyhow..u dont seem the way the way they try to paint u so eh