Yes. I Am Still Here.

Not much really to say to all you fans, the few of you left after all this time.  Perhaps it’s time to give this thing up?  I’m not sure.  It seems I have so little time or important news.  But maybe someday soon.  So a brief update.

Another year of college is over, my show goes up next year, I’m going to work on getting a paying director’s gig early on in the year, which is looking promising. 

I’m at home.  Obviously, I hate every minute of it.  I wish I was elsewhere.  Waiting for word on a job in River Falls that would mercifully pull me away from my parents.

Fantasia Barrino is the American Idol.  Which opens up the white guy slot for me to win!  I mean, if two white women and Ruben were the winners, it’d be a hard sell for me…especially after so many talented African American women have gotten shafted over the years.  But now it’s my time to shine.  Of course the closest place is Cleveland Ohio….so maybe I’ll have to go down that way to be discovered.

Uh…what else?  Not much.

Troy is a piece of crap.  Don’t go see it.  Go see Van Helsing.  They’re about the same caliber of screenplay with the same caliber of acting in them, but Van Helsing is meant to be goofy and bizarre and mindless.  Troy was trying to be deep and fell on its face, then, had the Trojans run over it with all their chariots.  Boo.  First movie I’ve seen where Brad Pitt isn’t good.  Brian Cox is, but of course they kill his character, which I guess is a spoiler since if you’ve read ‘The Iliad’ you’d be surprised.  Sean Bean is excellent as Odysseus and Eric Bana isn’t bad….but yeah.  Enough on that.

So yeah, I’ll leave you with something you can think about for a good long time.  Catwoman.  What the hell was the writer, director, and Halle Berry thinking?  I mean, I can argue Halle Berry is a terrible actress, but she was smart enough to secure Storm in X-Men, so she should have the brains to realize that Catwoman is the worst script in the history of film.  But no.  Instead, she’s a moronic whore-puppet.

I’m done now.  Good night.  Have a pleasant tomorrow.

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don’t leave, don’t stop writing…i have internet at home now so i can visit and write and be here for you! *hug* Marie

*HUG* I may be calling you sometime soon as long as your number you left on my diary isn’t different…:)

June 10, 2004

Check your e-mail! Please.