Writing Is What Keeps Me Sane. And this too.

I don’t have a whole hell of a lot of friends, but I’ll just do people that I like.


Cutest: Rachel.

Prettiest: Bekah Gast. And not just cuz I had a crush.

Nicest: This one is really hard…..probably….I don’t know…they’re all equal.

Most Athletic: Luke

Laziest: Casey?

Most Addicted To The Internet: Stormie…;)

One You Talk To The Most: Rachel or Stormie…yes Stormie, I talk to you the most…isn’t that kinda sad…;)

One You Talk To The Least: Luke

Ditziest: Umm…Lindsey

Funniest: Casey…but I like Beks sense of humor a lot.

Likes To Party The Most: Nate and Casey.

Future Scholor: Beks.

Most Likely To Marry Rich: Marry someone rich or be rich when married? For the first one I don’t know, but Lindsey already is.

Cutest Couple: You know, I don’t any couples who I have as friends I think.

Shyest: Lindsey despite her outgoingness with me.

Most Outgoing: Casey without a doubt.

Loudest: Of my friends, Rachel when she laughs…or Jessica…but in a good way, she’s not overly loud.

Quietest: Luke, hands down.

Practical Joker: Casey.

Best Taste In Clothes: Nate

Best Taste In Music: Casey

Most Unique: You can’t put an adjective on unique. How can someone be MOST unique? Unique means that they are one of a kind. Who’s MOST one of a kind? You should just ask who’s unique. And everyone is unique and beautiful.

Oddest: Casey. These last few got kind of the same person…huh?

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hehehehe…we should talk for real sometime.

except for the fact that in reality I’m not quite as interesting…in fact I think I’m rather annoying.