When I See You

I’m just in a poetry kind of mood. I’ve got another one that I want to spontaneously write tomorrow. I usually pick out the themes ahead of time and then just simply go with what I think up.

I talked to Jess Gast last night. It’s been a long time and I hope I might have convinced her to come to River Falls. Theatre is my life, and I like to make good theatre. And the only great theatre comes from those people who love it enough to give everything they have. Jess is about the third person I’ve ever met with that sort of drive…besides myself. She really is very amazing. 🙂 I’m looking forward to seeing her again at the Barnies, and Bekah too. Must not forget Bekah.

Anyway, during our three hour talk (or however long it was, I really didn’t keep good track of time) she finally gave me an answer that at least satisified me as far as answers go about what it is about me that makes people think I’m so complex. She also asked about relationships and she really seemed to have a good bead on me, or at least an articulate one. As I’ve learned from Copenhagen, when we are the center of our lives, we can’t really see what we did or why we did it. We just look back and make a guess. So I’m relying on her opinion until I hear another opinion that might be satisfactory as well. Onto the poem/lyric/whatever.

I want to tell you something now,

May come out wrong,

I don’t know how

To say such words,

I did before

But I lost them so long ago.

I had a dream last night

It didn’t turn out right.

And this dream just keeps on repeating

So you gotta know:

You sing to me….

And you speak to me….

In a minor key….

And the chords you are striking

I find so inviting

They’re inspiring words

That I wished you had heard

A thousand times before from me.

And they say:

When I see you…..

I don’t see angels or butterflies,

Don’t hear trumpets or lullabies,

Don’t feel like singing or crying

Don’t smell roses arising

All I hear or I see

Feel, smell, or believe

Is you and is me….

Nothing more. Nothing more.

The snow is falling down

Around my thoughts

And I know all these things

That I want to say and I ought

To turn right around

And forget the sound

Of your voice in my head

Singing my name so loud

That it is drowning out

Anything else my heart might be saying.

And the words that I hear

You say to me

Aren’t yours they are mine

They don’t thunder and they don’t shine….

They’re just little epiphanies

That pop and burst so pleasantly

That I understand

That this love ain’t grand

It’s just real and true,

I love not magic, I just love you….

When I see you…..

I don’t see white lights or rainbows,

Don’t hear wedding bells ringing out their tolls,

Don’t feel like dancing or praying,

Don’t know what I’m saying…

All I hear or I see

Think, dream, or believe

Is you and is me….

Nothing more. Nothing more.

Yes when I see you….

I don’t see fireworks or Jesus,

Don’t hear movie scores or cheers,

Don’t feel like running away,

Don’t know what to say,

All I hear or I see

Think, speak, dream, or believe,

Is you here with me

Nothing more….

And that simple bliss

Sealed with a kiss

This and just this

I might forever miss

So I’m singing to you

Don’t know what else I can do

Don’t want my dream to be true

That your love I could lose,

Cuz everything I’ll ever need

I see in you.

I see in you…

It is you….

It is you….

Just you…..

It could have been a better lyric/poem/whatever. I guess I’m just not right now in the mode where I can elaborate. When I’m a depressed lover, I can write beautiful stuff. When I’m not….welll…..then it just comes out hokey I suppose. Good night y’all.

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December 31, 2003

uh… yah, just read my od. see ya tonight about nine… my howse… luv ya Nik

I’m glad you found a connection with someone.It’s funny, I think that being in a relationship hushes me up..I barely wrote at all when I was involved with Gabe. Pity that love can make us mute. RYN: That’s very kind of you, I appreciate your understanding. That’s what makes OD so great!