
So I tried out for the first play called “Crow and Weasel,” an average script with nine actors/actresses in it. I got the lead dude…first time out and I get the frickin lead…woohoo! It’s odd, I must have something going for me that allows me to act like people I’m not because Weasel, my character, is supposed to be a well trained hunter, tracker, and warrior…which I do not look like.

So then I went to this party last night with a bunch of theatre people and we had a lot of fun. This one guy read Tarot cards and that was funny watching people get their fortunes and stuff read. I talked all night with a couple of people and got to be really good friends with them…it was cool.

Also, I went to Club Kaos the night before and was dancing with a bunch of very attractive chicks. There’s this one girl who is really hot, or who I think is, named Trish who’s in my English class….it’s pretty cool cuz we were like dancing all night long.

Dude, people say the pressures to drink and do drugs are high, but they really aren’t. People offer, but they understand if you decline and all. It’s kind of odd though, everybody save “The Nuge” and I were high last night…it was really amazing to watch these people. The one guy couldn’t stand up and was just laughing like a nutcase and this chick named Tara looked like the girl from the exorcist……yeah….life here is different but it’s pretty cool….I mean…I haven’t gotten pressured to do anything so that’s fine with me, their life, their choices.

So I’ve got this poem I thought I’d add as well…..

Gold Dust

Walking in the cold, cool rain,

Dancing in the starlit dark,

Singing softly to myself,

As the cars keep passing by….

Street lights make the street look silver,

Smooth and sleak like her sweet, sweet eyes.

Nothing better then to see them in the night,

So that I know that everything’s all right.

And time keeps flowing on,

And time keeps going on,

And years keep flying on by,

But I can smile and know,

That’s the way life goes,

And gold dust at my feet,

I keep walking down the street…..

Sometimes I’ve been so low,

Mourning in the morning dew,

Lost loves and failed success,

And I’ve always been left lost.

Though I never understood,

Because I was busy hating the world,

Life’s sweet and perfect in every way,

Tonight, tomorrow, everyday…..

And time keeps flowing on,

And time keeps going on,

And years keep flying on by,

But I can smile and know,

That’s the way life goes,

And gold dust at my feet,

I keep walking down the street……

For love is eternal,

And love will be found,

Though the eyes of the one you see,

Aren’t the ones that are meant to be,

Someone waits with your name

Written upon their heart…..

And life is so wonderful,

And life is filled with endless beauty,

In nature, space, and in man,

Nothing in this world is ever bland,

Just perfect in every single facet,

That’s the way life is….

And time keeps flowing on,

And time keeps going on,

And the years that go by are never bad…..

And we can all smile and know,

This is the way that all life goes,

And we can all walk on down the street,

With gold dust dancing at our feet.

A hopeful and good poem.

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interesting entries about college. glad to hear it’s going well for you.

you know, you are good at poetry!!!! other than that I2m glad you got the lead and havýng fun!!!!! see ya soon


hey, hope to hear more from you soon. keep writing in here, keep us up to date w/ you!

hey you haven’t been writing in here for a long time

nice poem..lol yeah you know i’ve never been around high ppl, well one guy came to a dance we had for little kids high and i was like omg u could smell it across the room, but drunk ppl are funny to be around. so long as they dont throw up on ya..lol yeah i can act like a complete fool sober and no one will know the difference