
What an interesting word, huh? I’ve been using it a lot lately to describe how I feel. I feel just like I want to vomit, but I never do.

I’m not sick, not at least in the sense of illness…..just sick psychologically….it just pushes me to the physical grossness……whatever, I’m blathering again.

Once Upon a Time in Mexico is a good film. Bizarre, gory, excessively violent…..but that’s what makes it so good. If you don’t know Rodriguez or Quentin Tarantino….than you won’t understand or appreciate this film.

Matchstick Men is also excellent, a brilliant and touching film. I really loved Cage in his role this time.

This week I’m going to go see Cabin Fever as well as Undeworld hopefully. I just need to keep my mind off things…..off this stupid shit about Mike getting the part.

The biggest problem is that I have to see him at rehearsal every night and I have to watch the director and musical director once more decide to cut out his singing parts and make him speak, like I’ve so often done because directors instead of picking musically skilled performers, pick people who look the best. What a bunch of bullshit.

They’ve ruined ‘Money, Money.’ It’s absolutely despicable. I can’t wait to see if they even keep

“I Don’t Care Much,” because if they do, I’ll just die. They had to cut Mike from “Tomorrow Belongs to Me” because he can’t sing it. And he doesn’t act, he’s just gay Mike.

Andy put it best:

Brad, when most actors play…like if you or I played the Emcee. It would have been: The Emcee.

With Mike, it’s: Mike as The Emcee.

Directors here don’t seem to get the difference. I don’t know why everyone thinks Meg is so great, she’s no better than any other director I’ve worked with…worse than some in fact.


On a freaky side note that may help get me off on a different track….the other night I got attacked by a ghost who stood on my chest so I couldn’t breathe. The story’s much better than that, but I don’t feel like telling it.


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I’d tell you that Mike sucks and i agree with everything you say, but you already know that and have heard it from everyone else as well. Well I still love ya! And you’ll always be the best in my eyes!

Mike. Must. Die.

I’m glad you are game to try MM again! We want to stick with the same plot, and probably start at the begining…did you save any of the old MM by any chance?even just your own entries? My old comp crashed that had them and i didnt back them up. I’ll let you know more when i know it…not all the same people will be working on this project of course so i must look into that. should be interesting!

the UW system, ladies and gentlemen… 🙂 d. (attending a private school known for theatre… where we still have our dram-ma, but at least they are decent at casting)

i see how it is..note ashley back but not me when i noted u first:( oh well..anyhow..that sucks about the ghost..interested to read the story of it if you ever choose to tell it.

Well that sucks! 4 the xmas auditions, is it all right if i can’t make it monday? I have training for work, and i’m not sure what time it is. Well, have a great day Luv ya Nik

its all good…look forward to seeing if this will work agian..lap top’s low on battery lol..ttyl(damaged_goods)

sorry i didn’t warn you how much i suck at auditions, no matter what I always end up psychin myself out and screwing up hardcore 🙁 See you later Luv ya Nik