Tyre’Negoth:Bitter Arrival to the Forest II

Seeing the men born by fear of death, Tyre’Negoth took

Deep and burning breath and spewed his hellish flame,

A ball of molten fire with volcanic power and intensity,

Raced it through the air, bearing down upon the heroes,

Finally dropping near the back of the heroic pack,

Casting up massive clouds of fire and ashen smoke,

Tossing four from horse to be left victim by the others,

Save Andaras who turned round to lend helping hand,

Eric, too, looked back and ceased his escape, yet fear

Caught all his heart and fought hard in soul he did,

Yet flaming circles of hellish design and clouds of black

Swirling faces of lost souls and demons from the abyss

Drove him to stay and watch, not flee like others,

Yet he did not race back to fight the infernal beast.

Of the four, coated in evil soot and horses dead,

Bahlros was first to rise and draw jagged spear,

Hurling it with viscious force towards the hungry beast,

It found mark with inhuman accuracy, drawing blood

From it’s long, craning neck, a thick jet of black spray

Soaked the ground as Tyre’Negoth’s teeth snatched out

The offending blade and turned back to it’s original goal

Bahlros raced to poor Father Dunn and Serat, both whom

Had lost their horses to the flames and struggled now

To race through the raging fire and thick grass,

One horse remained alive, leaping to it’s feet to flee,

Yet Bahlros caught with swift hand its bridle, calling

To the two to mount the steed and ‘scape whilst can,

Yet Serat urged Father Dunn to go while Serat in turn,

Raced back for Mordius whose horse it indeed was,

Tyre’Negoth now, busied himself with catching Andaras,

Who, with his swift steed, rode circles round the beast,

Dodging lashing teeth and poisoned talon’s swing,

From a mile so or more the others ceased their race,

Turning back to see the spectacle of the beast who,

Even from a distance loomed higher than the trees nearby,

Their eyes saw Andaras on steed racing to and fro,

They saw Father Dunn’s ashy visage hurtle towards them,

They saw Eric half-way between, unsure of heart and mind,

And they saw Serat and Bahlros searching for the lost man

Yet Tyre’Negoth being born of sin and hellish evil soon

Grew tired of the pesky Andaras and turned back to Serat

And no matter Andaras’ call he could not distract him,

All saw the dragon’s focus turn, and at same time a cry

Came out from Serat who found Mordius’ fallen corpse,

Lying with eyes upturned to the glistening stars above.

Bahlros, too, gave cry as he shoved with all his might

Serat to the left as he leapt with nimble flip right,

Tyre’Negoth surging up the middle with lunging bite,

Yet rocks and dirt was all he was to taste, the two

Leaping to their feet and drawing blade against beast,

Eric now recovered himself as a figure blew past,

His eyes fell upon Eron’s horse standing seperated far

From the chaos, the horse stood bewildered and confused,

Yet it knew much, especially Eric’s melodic whistle,

Quickly the horse bolted across the expansive field,

As Bahlros seeing beast bearing down with angry hunger

Leapt for saddle and caught side in time to escape,

The beast, once more foiled turned towards Serat,

Yet no more dirt did he desire to dull his palat,

But cooked meat he desired and so he began to breathe

The fumes of fire, Serat knew not how to escape the fire,

For no man ran fast enough to ‘scape a blast so near,

So eyes closed he prayed to God for salvation from evil,

God did answer as up he was plucked by a racing figure,

The exploding fire harming not a hair upon his head.

Serat opened eyes to thank his guardian angel on high,

To see Boneshredder’s broad smirk and burly arm round,

“Perhaps it’s time you began to believe in ME,” he spoke

With chuckle as all raced from Tyre’Negoth’s foiled rage,

Eric, too, turned to race towards the forests now all

Had come to a bitter close, Andaras riding near him as

Tyre’Negoth let out vengeful scream and soared up above,

His mind plotting a bitter revenge along his flight,

Arriving home as the moon reached it’s greatest height,

From Mt. Zeras it stared down with brooding malice,

And in it’s back a familiar blade lay deep in its skin,

A familiar blade whose owner long eluded his revenge…

And Tyre’Negoth, beast of bitter hate whose hunger now

Was but teased by the night, smiled with expectation.

Below, the men camped within the shade of trees,

All mourning the loss of fair Eron and poor Mordius,

And all slept in sorrow save two, Bahlros once more

Watched with eager eye for the beast’s vengeful return,

And Acumenius who eyed Gimnal and remembered prophecy,

“Hunger subsides before the shade arrives,

Futility, such futility wraps cloak around all hope.”

Indeed futile was the fight and hunger had arrived,

And he had failed the two, now lost to heaven or hell.

Acumenius reflected long upon it, and wept.

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