Tyre’Negoth:A Tale and a Taste of Future Trials I

Yet Fate has always been fair-minded in all things,

Thus, despite all theories, the horde gained upon us,

My men and I fought valiantly against their numbers,

And Uri’Cor, enraged at his butchered men fought, too,

Being shrewd of mind, Uri spotted me in mid-command,

With lunge he tackled me and as we rolled to a stop,

We scrambled for our blades and soon they were locked,

Until I found my trusty dagger that had slipped down

And caught itself in my belt loop and dangled there,

With quick swing I caught his arm and drew blood,

As instinct commands he clutched at it and I swung

With that Uri was finished and his barbarians were tossed

Into a terrible confusion, yet my luck was not long,

For Goor’Nikai and Uri were blood brothers born

Of unlike mother but like father, at sight of my success

He charged through the Curian troop, casting bodies

Away from him in torrents until he arrived and caught

Me a blow with the flat of his axe and sent my sailing.

But as you see, I still breathe and speak to you all,

I owe my life to my good friend Herigal, great warrior!

For all princes born of the king’s blood are allowed,

To learn a skill of war and thus it was with Herigal

That he chose to learn the art of axe-throwing for sport,

His intent was to use it solely to win tournaments many,

Yet, in my time of need, for he saw all that transpired,

He pulled out his sword and held by it’s silver blade

He threw with conviction and haste, catching Goor

Midback and piercing through heart and ribs and out again

Stopping only when the hilt touched his poor skin.

Goor, with axe raised to send me to my maker let out cry

Then collapsed by me with wild eyes and prepared to die.

The hordes were soon dispatched after that moment,

And Herigal and I were given praise for our heroism,

Yet, forgive my tongue, I have more story to tell…..”


All listened to the story with great interest and joy,

Save Acumenius who pondered Gimnal’s rantings,

He turned the words over in his head again and again,

Then, for wizards hold great stock in irony and fate,

Rose and spurred his horse to the front of the pack

With a scream of warning that startled all save Bahlros,

It was upon good Dallimier’s final words I’ve given here,

That all were awakened from their hypnotic trance,

To see Acumenius swing staff wildly at stunned Herigal,

Fear not! His oak staff drew past the knight’s head

And caught in mid-leap, the shadowy form of leaping wolf!

With yelp it fell back into brush as all drew blades

To see several wolves flying from behind the group.

The outcast, having fallen back impaled one on spear,

Another was caught by arrow shot from Eldin’s bow,

Yet two remained streaking through the brush at speed,

Both flew by each man then lunged together upon

Poor Herigal with malice but they leapt for nought!

With full swing, Acumenius caught both with staff,

Sending them fleeing off into the dark woods far away.

“No beast I know moves as fast as a man can blink!”

Eldin cried in utter shock at the beasts escape.

“Our luck lies they don’t move as fast as man can think.”

Stated Andaras smiling with respect at Acumenius,

“Do tell us how you were so fast to catch the beast.”

Acumenius nodded to Andaras placing staff back on back.

“We wizards believe that the mystic beings from above

Draw our stories full of irony and suttle warnings.

Gimnal’s rantings about hounds that hunt royal blood,

That only bare oak can save came true indeed, friends.

Yet it was some being watching us that gave me final clue

Of who and how and when. For Dallimier’s tale sparked

My mind as it dulled it, for he bored me half to sleep,

Yet as I rolled my eyes up for doubt of all he said,

The sun blinded me and I realized that it was near noon,

While I made this harmless observation, Dallimer’s tale

Turned to the royal nature of our good knight, Herigal!

Now you see, at the sun’s peak the wolves did leap

At royal blood which my oaken staff helped keep

The prophecy from coming altogether true,

Ending Herigal’s life, that is how I knew.”

All looked in awe at Gimnal and wise Acumenius,

For the two who all doubted most had served better

Than all the others did when they were put together!

All praised Acumenius on his quick thought and deed,

While Eldin frowned at being proven wrong by Fate,

For he had bet the wizard would be more harm than good,

Yet admit he’d been disproved he never would,

For he, too, had caught a wolf with his trained eye,

Thus, though the wizard had his use, Elden still denied

That he, with all his skill and talent, would prove less

Worth having on this holy and heroic quest.

Meanwhile all discussed the current event and tale,

The outcast lagged behind pulling the sole dead beast

Off his trusted spear, a wicked smile of humored thought

Crossed his face as the beast fell off and disappeared

In a wisp of smoke and shadow, and all was silent

As the party rode until the night came in again.

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