Tyre’Negoth: The Wise

Once the wind died down from the judge’s puffing,

And all had mulled his sharp words over in their mind,

The feast and festivities commenced again

As the next hero down the line assumed his place

Before the listening masses who gathered closer,

For though clad in purple robes with lightning designs,

And with snow-white hair that flowed down mid-back,

There was no mistaking the warrior’s gender or his role,

He was a wise and long trained wizard, his staff told it,

Gnarled ebony that twisted and writhed in a hundred ways,

With a ruby eye that shimmered in the hall’s dim light,

His face was youthful still, though his eyes were worn,

Blue in color yet they seemed to swirl with others,

As alchemy and magic always do to those who dabble,

A fine specimen of man, indeed: broad-shouldered, tall,

With firm hands and gallant posture as if he was a noble.

This wizard’s name was known by all who attended now,

Reknowned in knowledge of words and culture,

Famed for the tricks of eye and magic he conjured,

But above all respected for his level head and optimism.

His name was Acumenius, an orphan raised by wizard folk,

Named for his speed and retention of all knowledge,

Now a wanderer and healer of the poor and needy.

All fell silent as he rose to speak of his intentions,

Purple cape wrapping round him and shrouding his armor.

One young page sat near, cherry face and eager eyes

Upturned to watch this great hero speak his mind:

“Fellow warriors and gallant nobles drawn before me,

The task assigned I have volunteered to finish for thee,

Long we wizards toil in dreary solitude without care,

But humanity’s destruction still makes us despair,

For we understand the balance that each life brings,

And no demon beast from hell shall corrupt these things.

Thus I lay my staff at my allies’ disposal,

And ask only that they listen to my proposals

Which I shall lay forth upon our very way,

Heed my words or follow their mind, I shall not say

That either seems more wrong or neither more right,

For my mind foretells both will aid our plight,

What else shall you, grand king, have me say?

Hope I to have an answer ready, this I pray.”

Baelorik and all the banquet party sighed at once,

For none would break the great man’s speech,

None would dare to dishonor a man so admired.

Then Baelorik raised his mug and spoke happily:

“What’s this man!? Already talk of the battle ahead?

Shall you not regail us with your thoughts? Tell us,

What country do you represent so well, I owe them much!”

Acumenius nodded and replied without hesitation:

“Great Baelorik, I appealed to the Lord of Pelor

To grant me the chance to serve man and his honor

Dictated that he grant me my demand for I had given aid:

For his son could not be saved by doctor nor by maid

As for my thoughts on all these things, I have none,

For not a hero here do I recognize who does not have some

Other view of the world then me, our values differ quite

But not a single one is any more wrong nor right,

Thus I shall hold my tongue so I do not offend any man,

For the wisest know that a single harmful word can

Tear apart the strongest bonds no amends will heal,

So I end my speech and return to my host’s great meal!”

All laughed as the wizard licked his lips and smiled,

Taking his place by his page’s side without another word,

Thus, all returned to the bountiful meal for a minute,

Til the next warrior decided he would make his speech.

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as I keep readýng the nes sectýons ýt feels to get more excýted and I want to read more…. what you are wrýtýng really ýs great!!!! I hope there ýs more comýng up

that was good the parts i read..nice rhyme scheme and character descriptions..grr..why doesnt aim work for u cuz i read the note in midnight and we were on at the same time..