Tyre’Negoth: Last Rites

One last time, as all assumed, the men went their ways,

Each to tend to matters that would ease their mind,

Only Andaras remained with stable-hands and servants,

No friends to write, no loves to kiss goodbye,

He poured over each warrior’s pack, making doubly sure

That not an ounce of food was forgot nor things in short

Supply, once done he examined horse and saddle for each,

No man, he swore, would come to harm before he,

In his mind he spoke to God and uttered a solemn oath:

“Let the blood of all the heroes who ride with me today

Be bound with mine, thus if one feels an arrow’s prick

I, too, shall be cut, if life is taken, then mine, too,

Through hell and worse I shall ride with steady shield,

For love and life have I not, no purpose but to serve.”

He bowed, sealing the oath with blade across his palm.

Then quickly back to the lists and supplies he raced,

While others tended to matters more personal by far.

Eric sat within Baelorik’s blossoming royal gardens,

Watching mystic roses of unnatural colors glist’ning,

As they surrounded him in familiar smell of bitter home,

Behind him, observing in curious silence stood Kibeln,

A wizard who crafted the garden for his own pleasure,

Never had he seen a man who took such joy in the leisure

Of wand’ring through orchid, tulip, daffodil and rose:

“May I inquire what you so admire?” queried the wizard.

Eric, startled turned, sending a rose flying in petals.

“You startled me and I apologize for the flower!

I know full well of Kibeln’s mystic gardens and here I am

Inside, wand’ring through it’s perfect lover’s majesty!

I spend time here reflecting on love left far from here”

Kibeln, being a wizard of tested skill, smiled kindly,

“A lucky love indeed she must be to have a man so true.”

Eric laughed with uncertainty, “I am unsure of all this.

In truth I have trained but little in sword and battle,

But took my place for I am of peasant blood and my king

Demands a deserving man present his hand to his daughter.

We love each other dearly, so much so I did not think

Of the risk I took in setting out to slay the beast.”

He caressed the rose now shattered from its place,

“Sad,” he sighed, “to see such beauty now lying dead.”

The wizard smiled “Hope blossoms late, while faith live.”

Eric glanced up then back to see the flower sprout again.

With a brilliant smile, Eric rose and nodded thanks,

“I must depart, time runs short, I pray I see you again.”

The wizard bowed as the romantic left the garden quietly,

Wand’ring afterwards to the rose sprouting slowly,

Seeing another woven round it slowly wilting away.

The outcast watched secretly from the high stone walls,

Dropping out of the wizard’s sight without a sound.

The judge moved a rook in a flowing move across board,

“We are two stone idols, we’ve been here longer than any,

Yet we, too, are worn away by time and age, death nears,

But this journey may do me good, I thank you deeply.”

A bishop flew from Baelorik’s hand and cut the rook away,

“You were here when I slew the villain who ruled evilly,

You shall be here when I die, I’m sure of this my friend.

Thank me not for granting you this hunt, it was yours.”

The judge laughed silently, “Perhaps, perhaps good king.”

He drew slowly closer, clutching Baelorik’s hand,

“This is no hunt for me, my dear, old friend, in truth

I set out to die, yes. Die in glory and perhaps redeem

What soul I do have left, law leaves no room for mercy,

No compassion have I shown to pitiful faces deserving

Of care and kindness while thieves slipped my fingers.

No more, great lord. I go to die and for have justice

Done in the way it should, punishment to the wicked who,

With vile hand and knowing mind, crush the weak and poor.

I shall die upon this journey king, I guarantee.”

Baelorik stared in shock at the judge’s frank words,

“This cannot be! You’ve been right in everything you do,

But now I know you wrong, you shall be back my friend,

Your life of servitude seals my case, I win this battle!”

The judge moved back to reveal the board with one piece,

The judge’s queen had slid across the board and sat

In bold statement, defying all logic and slaying king.

“Checkmate,” the judge said with grave tone and face.

It’s short cuz damn OD won’t let me print all of it on one.

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