Two Monologues of Love

These are both monologues about love and about someone that a character is in love with. They’re from one of my screenplays….the flowery speech is justified because….well…..this portion of the screenplay is not realist. It’s just a character orating on a stage to no one at all, so he can speak how he pleases. I was rereading this script and another one I wrote today, and they’re not half bad I think.

Monologue 1

Ah love, speak not with wrath to me, let honey be the venom that soaks your lips and tongue. My ears and heart cannot stand to hear anything but hope of better days spent with you. So many other princes promise to rise above the sins they so lavishly soak in if you would take their hand, but I cannot. I do not try to hold myself up with my weak arms to earn your love, but rather I admit my faults and genuinely fight to prove my worth to you, no masks do I shroud my heart’s countenance behind, it is always true, sometimes silent, but always true. I’ll give up the sword now and only fight what pursues me from my past…no more evils shall I add, but I cannot deny the evils already done. What more do you ask of me? Must I speak of what you mean to me, if I did it would span a thousand years without a breath thus I shall try to speak more simply for life’s century-long restraints that are rarely broken demand less. Upon your eyes I would dwell most, so I start with these, for they rise above all else. Within your eyes lie rose-walled mazes that no mortal can escape from for he is too busy admiring the beauty of the design. If heaven existed indeed, it would be the bliss of dwelling within your eyes for eternity. Yet your lips do sometimes draw me out from the walls to dote on the raspberry red that feeds my hunger with but a thought upon them. And of your smile, such a shimmering jewel…

Monologue 2

Love…my love so sweet. How do I find the words to keep you from forgetting how much you mean to me when my actions cannot portray the truth? Where are the words in my language that can speak such things? Do they not exist? I can feel your naked embrace…it’s warmth radiating through my every pore and making me feel far safer than you feel when I hold you close, when it is my job to be the one who protects..and you the one who seeks the shelter. And why is it this way? Is it because of fear? Or love? Or joy? Or sorrow? I cannot tell, because in that moment of closeness I lose control of my brain and no longer wonder why and only know the what…the desire and the deed. And it feels good to be with you…And that bond which we seal on nights when we feel the spark that leaps between us brings me back to you again…and I remember all that I forget. I remember that I love you with every single breath. Sigh like that once more for me….so I can remember it all again…


Predicaments predicaments. I’m stuck in between some craaazy things right now. For some reason, my luck seems to be really high lately, and that usually means something bad is about to happen, but I’m not sure what. Nevertheless, we’ll see how it all goes.

Today is August 7th. Sheesh. Summer is almost over and then, Thank GOD, the college year begins with actual shows where I have roles with lines again. What a bullshit summer this really was in a lot of ways. Hopefully this year will get better. I have to go shower now, I actually have to work this afternoon.

Adieu for now.

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those are good….but i too have to work today….goodbye

RYN: Pirates is now in my top 5 list of movies 😛 Johnny Depp was strange, but I thought he was perfect for the part. Captain Jack Sparrow cracks me up. Betsy

I hope your current good fortune doesn’t mean something bad is going to happen. Here’s to riding the “good times” wave a little longer… RYN: No, no–it’s not Todd. (ha)