Thoughts on War (Cont.)

3) Thirdly, the definition of racism is prejudice against a person because of their race. Which means that being prejudice against a white man is racism too. I’m sick and tired of all this revenge bullshit. Everybody wants everybody to pay for their grandfather’s sins….that’s why we have problems in all these other countries. We go to help and we screw up and every descendant has to deal with some other pissed of descendant. This is bullshit. If you want revenge for injustices, then prepare to have revenge exacted on you for our own perceived injustices, cuz that is fair. But it doesn’t work that way, everybody’s a god damn hypocrite. They want to stab the guy who kicked them in the back, but not get struck in return. That’s bull. Secondly on this point, it’s racism to say that the 25% of the military that is minority should be replaced by more white people. Because white people are more expendable it seems. That is racism. Don’t try and argue that the guy means anything different, because that is EXACTLY what he is saying. Reinstitute the draft, what a stupid idea. I’m sorry, I don’t like when people hurl insults at other people, especially in the political ring, but that one warrants it solely for the audacity with which the Senator is treating white people. Now, I”m not racist. I just want to say this. I don’t really regard people by race. I’ll admit I will definitely be preferencial to intelligent people, but race means nothing to me, and that’s the way it should be. We should honor the races for their different cultures and understand the differences and everything, but we shouldn’t judge. There are always those that can transcend.

Now to war. Firstly, all those people who are forming war protests, could you please stop? Firstly, it doesn’t work. The government doesn’t see the protests and go, “Gosh, maybe we shouldn’t.” I’m pretty positive they make up their own mind based on polls, and polls aren’t given at protests. Secondly, they’re all televised and it is those who protest who give our enemies the idea that they have some leeway to push back. They see protests so they milk it. There was one woman interviewed who said something that we really should consider. She was amid the protestors trying to tell them that preaching for peace wasn’t a good idea. We need to defend ourselves from this sort of tyranny, lying, and backstabbing. Hussein and Bin Laden aren’t like us. They won’t let us be if we are peaceful and leave. They will stab us the minute we turn our backs. I’m not saying go to war, but peace isn’t going to do anything, because peace is unattainable. Just because we don’t want war doesn’t mean Hussein doesn’t. He does.

Secondly on this, your protests only protest for peace. You don’t say how. That’s what really annoys me. You don’t offer solutions, you offer what you want. We aren’t going to get anywhere this way. You see, everybody wants results but they don’t want to bother themselves with trying to figure out how to get them. We need oil, Hussein and the Middle East has it and is trying to stop us from having it. You won’t let us go into Alaska, so what can we do? We need to defend our currenty reserves. If we did pull out and make for peace and let’s say Hussein doesn’t attack us when we show our tendency not to punish those who wrong us, then we lose our cars or we charge tons for gas and you complain about prices and protest again, offering what you want, but no ways to get it. This isn’t the way of things. Bush isn’t the greatest president, he’s not the worst. And it is sooooo easy for all you to criticize him, but you know what, he’s doing the right thing here.

When a bully beats on a kid and gets away with it, when the teachers and coaches let him off because they don’t want to cause a big problem….or maybe because the kid deserved it even…..does the bully stop? No. This is the exact same way. Our countries and people anymore are all children. Big stupid brats. You give them an inch, they beat you down until they have a mile. I don’t care that many will disagree with me, because there is no answer that will ever satisfy everyone. But the fact of the matter is that if you actually all did some research about these things…and not just read the news but actually start reading books written about these countries and read scholarly articles from some of the more presitigous journals and magazines, you’ll find that Hussein has been doing terrible things.

We have too many ignorant people abusing their right to dissent. They complain and piss and moan and they don’t have any solutions. All they want is something for themselves. As I have always said, people have a list of things that they want from life. It is infinite in length and they aren’t happy until its completely full. People will never be completely satisfied with what they’ve got because there is always something more. That’s why I sometimes agree with people who say animals are smarter than man. You don’t see dogs trying to work out embargoes to make sure that they don’t get slaughtered.

There’s my piece for now.

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January 18, 2003

Yeah, but on the other hand you don’t see dogs helping each other out if they need it, or plastering their broken legs. Man’s pretty smart, too- we’ve just got more things to be stupid about. Our technology’s evolved faster than we have, and we don’t know what to do with it. We still think waving a nuclear weapon is the same as waving a fist.

That’s too bad you’re preferential to intelligent people. What must they think of you? ~lizardman

January 18, 2003

I agree, you make some very valid points, but on the other hand, you’re preaching to the quire(sp?). Most people are lazy by nature. Everybody wants somebody else to do what they themselves should be doing. I know you say that in your post already… but I’m just reitterating it. Nobody ever agrees on everything, that’s why Utopia will never exist… and there’s nothing we can really do…

it’s better to, as you say, “abuse” the right to dissent, the right to call question into one’s government’s activities, than to blindly go along and let what claims to be a representative DEMOCRACY make decisions without the commmitment of the demos, the people themselves.

Yeah, sure! You can e-mail me at: my yahoo: -or-my hotmail: -*Cassie*-

Well, I got your email, so I’m assuming you have it? But anyway, I’ll give it again. or Either is fine, I check both about equally often. Shandy

Wow, Brad’s gone into one of his long speeches again 😛 j/p, I learn stuff from them, lol. I believe in peace, but I agree. I’ve tried to think of solutions peacefully, but I can’t think of any. Lol, we should just sneak in and assasinate Sudam 😛 LOL, ok, don’t mind me ~*Betsy*~