The Theme of the Week

Since this week’s theme seems a pretty good one, everyone prepare to listen to me talk about my secret admiree…..

What is the most attractive feature about ______?

It’s a hard question to answer I think, there are a lot of things I really find attractive about her….she’s smart and funny and attractive….and of course I’m going to pick something physical about her though because it’s more tangible, more easy to describe I suppose, not to mention if I talked about her cute little quirks my avid readers and “Knowers-of-me-in-real-life” would know who it is without much hard work. Anyway…..

I think her most attractive feature is her eyes. But not just the color, which if you look closely at most eyes you see that they’re like flowers, in a pool…a pupil center, a ring of color and then an outlying watery like area…..but….no…let me rephrase my answer. Her eyes with reference to her lips. That’s a wierd answer I know….but whenever I look at her eyes, they’re beautiful, and what’s interesting is when you look at them, you can see the color, but what your drawn to is the center blackness…the actual pupil….you’re drawn to that because there almost always….in fact I’ve never not seen one there….there is always a star or a glimmer in the middle…not just a little twinkle, but a supernova…..and it’s captivating and it shines quite beautifully and it makes you think..”God…this girl is amazing”….and her eyes really convey her emotions and when she’s acting silly or crazy or “odd” she uses her eyes well….she could speak with but her eyes if she really ever needed to……and for a moment when you stare at them you pull away thinking, “Am I only in love with her eyes.” Because you are so always drawn to them…..always the first thing you see, but when you’re looking at them you for some reason can see nothing surrounding her eyes: not lashes or eyebrows or hair or nose, but you can still see her red lips…they are quite red….not the dull pasty pink…but they’re this lush pink…the kind of pink that isn’t artificial but isn’t bland and tasteless….it really is remarkable when I think about it.

Ok…so that’s my answer…..

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aww thats a really nice thing to say about the person you secretly admire, im sure she’d like to know what you have to say about her =)

I have a head cold so if this note doesn’t make sense…You can leave spam notes anytime Brad.I enjoy reading them.Be philosophical (did I even spell that right?) whenever you wish.I like reading your deep thoughts.Thank you for taking the time to actually note me.From reading this entry I see how truly beautiful you are inside.I hope you get together with her someday soon.I hope you are happy…

above all.Take care of yourself ok?After Shae died 3 days ago I realize how much all my FOD friends mean to me.*hugs you* And if you ever talk to that Joe person could you tell him hi for me?I can’t seem to ever get ahold of him.I never told Shae enough and now he’s gone, but I’m not making that mistake again.So here goes…I love you Brad.You are a great friend. Marie

i live in canada…more specificly…Nova Scotis..u? thats sweet about the eyes…i have the same oppinion….i luv guys that play guitar too! yea buh bye

seems lýke you really lýke thýs gýrl!!! other wýse you’d never pay that much attentýon to just eyes…. ý really lýke your way of descrýbýng!!! see ya soon “sexy”!!!