Tag without Lasers is Just Not Tag to Me

Here’s The Deal: 

  Once you have been tagged, You have to write an entry with 10 Weird, Random things, Facts, Habits, Or Goals about yourself. At the end choose 10 people to be tagged, Listing their names and why you chose them. 

1. My eyes are directly tied to my emotions, and will hurt a great deal when I’m upset, depressed, stressed, worried, or mostly when I’m trying to deal with something on my own and in private.  If you could feel my eyes, you’d know everytime something was nagging at me.

2. I can put my legs behind my head, I can grab my lower ribs and twist them, I have no gag reflex.

3. While respect and admiration (in a loving sense) is the #1 thing I want from a significant other, the second thing I want is someone who is willing to be silly with me and make me feel less….well….strange.

4. I don’t admit that I’m an actor as readily as I used to, mostly because I don’t pursue it as fervently as I should.  I don’t pursue it because there is always something else I’m doing that I feel is more important and it generally never has anything to do with me.  And that’s ok.  I just wish sometimes people would notice.

5. I have prophetic dreams, sometimes they’re scarily accurate.  I have kept a lot of them secret.

6. I am an amazing flirt, an overly sexual person, a brilliant romantic deep down.  It’s a part of me that is all control and calculated, and I personally feel the sweetest part of me is the bumbling inept stooge who lets his emotions bubble up, because it’s who I am with all my guards down and without concentration.  Sometimes I think that nobody wants to know the inept person, and so I refuse to let the cool one out either.

7. I could sleep forever.  Mostly because I sometimes think death would be nice, just to get away from all these feelings and thoughts.  I just try not to.

8. I think I’m spectacular.  I also think I’m the only one who truly thinks and shows it to myself.

9. I really wish someone liked a certain something I did that I’m not going to discuss at length.  It’s not a big deal, it’s just a bit sad.  I’m very proud of it for some random silly and stupid reason.

10. I could never love anyone as much as I love Kristen, but sometimes I feel like she hates me or at least thinks very little of my experience.

Bonus 11: I often think killing a lot of people would solve my problems.  I don’t do it cuz this sexy body and cute face is not destined for being a prison bitch.  Well….maybe….that depends on how you view Kristen and my relationship at times. 🙂

Who am I going to tag?  All of you.  Cuz….well….I don’t know enough people to name them.  So anybody can post 10 and tag me again if they want. 

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