Survey and a Few Thoughts

Yep, a survey. I don’t know why I like filling these out…some weird compulsion I guess. I just found out that Wayne is actually trying to bribe people to vote for his shows….I can’t believe it!!

[ my name is ] Brad Jennings

[ in the morning i am ] Still sleeping

[ all i need ] is love

[ love is ] all I need….see how that one worked?

[ i am afraid of ] failure

[ i dream about ] The wierdest crap, last night…nevermind.

? W I T H E I T H E R S E X . . . ?

[ what do u notice first? ] Eyes.

[ last person u danced with ] Meghan Olson

? W H O . . . ?

[ makes u laugh the most? ] Casey

[ makes you smile ] A lot of people, just about everyone.

[ has a crush on u? ] Renee….sigh….

[ easier to talk to: boys or girls?] Girls

? W H O W A S T H E L A S T P E R S O N . . . ?

[ u talked to ] Brian, my roommate

[ hugged ] Um…Renee or Marissa

[ u instant messaged ] I don’t use instant messenger

[ u laughed with ] Kim and Brian

? F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S . . . ?

[ i want ] the love of someone I love

[ i wish ] that it was as simple as that.

[ i miss ] having the hope and optimism to believe that my wishes will come true.

[ i fear ] failing, living life without having someone to pour my affections on

[ i hear ] Nora Jones right now…

[ i wonder ] If I’m going to get my ways and if my script will work out.

5 things you’re looking foward to?

1- Cabaret

2- The vote for Masquer’s Production Next Year.

3- Tears of the Sun, X2, and Matrix movies.

4- Love…I hope there’s still some to look forward to having.

5- Fame and success….repeat the second half of number 4’s thought.

5 things you love to do?

1- Love someone who loves me….damn this is a pathetically sappy survey…at least my answers are.

2- Listen to music

3- Act

4- Write

5- Direct

7 things that annoy you?

1- Jocks for the most part

2- People who are too judgemental

3- Stupid beliefs, like people who are willing to say all the swear words except ‘fuck’ but will use a substitute. The intention is all that really matters.

4- Not being respected

5- This feeling of loneliness

6- Bigots

7- Ignorance and stupidity.

6 things you touch everyday?

1- My laptop

2- My……face….*cough* 😉

3- A Dr. Pepper can

4- My coat/gloves/shoes

5- The TV remote

6- My doorknob

4 things you do everyday?

1- Write

2- Listen to music

3- Sleep/Eat/Breathe/Poo

4- Think about love (Why do I keep writing this depressing shit)

1) Last dream: My parents talking to me about having a relationship.

2) Last car ride: Driving back from Renee’s party where I got drunk off 2 1/2 wine coolers! I was ashamed…but I was so pissed and depressed and tired and angry….it just didn’t make a good combination.

3) Last kiss: Rachel

4) Last person you kissed: Isn’t that what the last one meant?

6) Last Missing Library Book: A biology textbook in High School.

7) Last movie seen: The Mummy Returns

8) Last Book Read: The Last Continent by Terry Pratchett

10) Last beverage drank: Dr. Pepper

11) Last Food consumed: Eggs/Hashbrowns/Raisin Bran

13) Last phone call: Casey

14) Last TV show watched: Comedy Central presents Kevin James

15) Last Item Bought: Some pizza

16) Last time showered: This morning

17) Last shoes worn: My black dress boots

19) Last MP3 Downloaded: Postal Service stuff

22) Last soda drank: Dr. Pepper

23) Last thing written: Another Sermon by Yours Truly

24) Last key used: My room key

26) Last trip to the bathroom: Just before I started writing

27) Last sleep: Last night

28) Last IM:Didn’t you ask this?

34) Last time amused: Watching Kevin James…he is hilarious.

37) Last time hugged: YOU ASKED THIS ONE TOO!

40) Last chair sat in: Have you noticed the numbers are leaping like nobody’s business? This one.

44) Last shirt worn: The one I’m wearing….what kind of stupid questions are these?

45) Last class attended: Directing I

46) Last Final taken: Don’t remember.

47) Last time dancing: ACTF

48) Last poster looked at: Don’t remember…wait…a Lord of the Rings poster


[ x ] Wallet – black leather with a little tag on it.

[ x ] What you are wearing now – Black long sleeve button down with beige jeans and socks.

[ x ] Socks – White

[ x ] In my mouth – A tongue and teeth.

[ x ] After this – Describe my after this? Do you hear yourself?

[ x ] Talking to – Describe your talking to? What the hell…did an illiterate little Guatamelan child write this or something? No one.

[ x ] Person you wish you could see right now – Ack. That’s conflicted. I don’t want to see either of the two people that I want to see, because both tick me off and yet I love em. One is blonde and has gold-brown eyes and the other has black hair and green eyes.

[ x ] Some of your favorite movies – The Way of the Gun, Three Amigos, Reservoir Dogs, The Ghost and the Darkness, The Jerk, Snatch, Lord of the Rings, Heat, 13th Warrior…..plenty, plenty more.

[ x ] Do you believe in love at first sight – Yes.

[ x ] Ever been to Belgium – No…why Belgium?

[ x ] Can you eat with chopsticks – No.

[ x ] What is your favorite candy – Chocolate

And with that it ends. Life is treating me well enough I guess. Bitching only seems to attract the dumb morons who like to insult those who are already pissed at stupid people, so why bother, huh? Not to mention you think it would make you feel better but all it does is make you feel dirty. I just wish that people were like you think they are when they’re young. Instead they’re mostly ugly and blind and very very stupid. And they don’t know it because they don’t even bother to look at themselves. We’re all guilty of it.

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It’s cool that you’re listening to Nora Jones. I like her.You made me laugh with your “describe your after this” and “decribe your talking to” comments. 🙂

Just saying howdy! This is your brother if you’re thrown off by the new diary name…they deleted mine =<. Anywho, I'd leave a longer note, but I've got a big day tomorrow…mostly comprised of sleep/breathe/eat/poo if you know what I mean…

hey… ý love readýng surveys as well as fýllýgn them out, but one thýng ý notýced ýn yours, well… dont be so pessýmýstýc, you’ll fýnd love… ý mean… ý donno see ya soon

love revolves around life even though people barely notices it.

i didnt really read all of this..not a lot of time..been soo busy lately..sorry bout not updating legends lately..hope the story’s moving along well without me..

hey i miss ya leavin me notes and i want them ya know where are you and what ya doin i hope you life is happy right now { i wish that to all peeps i luv to hear from } well ta ta and im out

Terry Pratchett, good author! Don’t question why you’re writing “all this depressing shit”. You need to let it out! And I actually feel the same way just less severe…lately I’ve been wanting a crush because I miss the feeling, but seeing how depressing love is, I change my mind because I remember all too well the lows of love…try to stay positive and if your crushes don’t like you back,

they are morons! ~*Betsy*~