
Remember when I did that series dealing with gems? Well, I’m doing another series dealing with flowers….because they too seem to fit the ideals of the poetry I’m thinking of writing. This one I could not title, so “Sunflower” it is.

She wears her hair down for me,

Rarely do the tresses fall,

Yet they always tumble down for me,

Sunflower blooms unfurled in pools

Of ripping emerald sun-soaking tide

Peek out through soft-painted lids,

With all my love-sick heart I swim her seas,

Gravel sweeping cross my worn hands,

Reaching out to first kisses and hope,

Sweet water of rampant strawberry fields,

Ears rushing to currents of unnatural song,

Like the voice so far behind my path,

Where has the road gone that led me away?

Where lies the path that sent me to the sea,

Past the docks where I talked with the moon

On love, romance, and foolish, youthful fancies,

My eyes gaze still, upturned within the deep,

Bursting forth from frothy waves I breathe,

Crawling back through shallow, saddened tides,

Upon the docks where she awaits,

And wears her hair down for me.

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that’s realy pretty. keep writing. you have a gift

wow! so good

i really like this poem a lot

r u in love… or in love with the thought of love. You sound as if you understand the nonsense of love. I’m jealous that you are in that moment where love is beautiful and not where I am (where love just hurts).

nicely written, as always..I’m off to see if I can write at least up to the point where i’m lost in midnight..I feel kinda like a slacker but gah this is the problem w/ roundtables because sometimes it gets confusing but we’ll sort it out im sure..i noted that other diary..we shall see what happens with it eh?