Summer’s Slew of Surveys

I’m stealing all these surveys from Juliet Summer’s diary…god damn I hate my parents…just thought I’d say that before I begin.

1. What is the first thing you do when you wake up? Try to go back to sleep.

2. During the day if an argument comes up with someone what do you do? I yell at them, duh.

3. Do you get angry easily? Yes, but I don’t show it.

4. What mood are you usually in? Reflective and social.

5. If someone you know is sad what do you do to cheer him or her up? Try to treat them to something they like.

6. If someone is looking for you where are they most likely to find you? Home.

7. What is your best pick up line? I don’t ask people out.

8. What do you do when you want to get someone’s attention? I wave them down while screaming….;)

9. Do you flirt? Yes.

10. What are your worst habits? I bite my nails.

11. Do you talk to yourself? Yeah.

12. What is the most formal attire you have? Dress slacks and a nice shirt.

13. How do you greet people that you have never met? Hi…I’m Brad.

14. Do you swear? What the hell do you think?

15. What is the most insult you use? I don’t know….

16. Would you ever hit, yell, punish, or humiliate your kids/wife/gf/etc? No….unless they hit me first that is.

17. What do you live your life by? The code of bushido….actually, I just live life by my own rules which I make up as I go.

18. Do you consider yourself more charming or charismatic? charismatic, nobody thinks I”m charming.

19. Are you religious? Depends on what you mean by religious.

20. Describe yourself in one short sentence. A spastic lunatic with a great deal of romantic charm if you can survive the opening wave of maniacal laughter.

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*evil laughter as she steals this survey*

“…by my own rules which I make up as I go…” YES, that’s what we have been trying to tell you 🙂 The 4th was fun…right? You should really stop wearing long sleeve shirts during the summer. (haha–from the girl who doesn’t burn 😛 )

I think you’re charming and charismatic. And cool. *big kiss*