Stay Together for the Kids

This is a Blink 182 song that goes out to me and good ol’ Amanda…..I wonder if she’ll read this anytime soon…probably not.

It doesn’t exactly fit…….but I still think it’s a good song that reminded me of her…….

It’s hard to wake up,

When the shades have been pulled shut

This house is haunted

It’s so pathetic

It makes no sense at all

I’m ripe with things to say

The words rot and fall away.

What stupid poem could fix this home

I’d read it everyday.

So here’s your holiday

Hope you enjoy it this time

You gave it all away

It was mine

So when you’re dead and gone

Will you rememember this night, twenty years now lost

It’s not right.

Their anger hurts my ears

Been running strong for seven years

Rather than fix the problems, they never solve them

It makes no sense at all

I see them every day

We get along, so why can’t they?

If this is what he wants and this what she wants

Then why is there so much pain?

So here’s your holiday

Hope you enjoy it this time

You gave it all away

It was mine

So when you’re dead and gone

Will you remember this night, twenty years now lost

It’s not right.

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I like that song.

Oh Thank God! When I first read the title, I thought of your parents and I was shocked until I read it.

Yes, I know it sounded like the dwarves, but I actually thought of the idea before I read everyone’s entries. I wanted to show them the “other” side of the elves. And I want Elorn to be kinda light-hearted whenever he can. =D Lol, I love that entry cause they’re all like little kids =P Or teenagers wrecking a hotel room as Cassie said ~*Betsy*~

I thýnk the most romantýc song ýs actually Blýnk 182, goýng away to college… not the entýre song but the chorus… ýts so sweet!!!

aww you thought of me? im touched…actually i can see how it applies and ive thought the same thing before. I think I Feel So applies more though. (also by boxcar racer..)it’s in my lyrical diary..well my bro wants the comp g2g