Smile through it all

Smile through it all!

I have long been the king of crying, the prince of “poor me.” My attitude on my life however has come to be this:

I cannot control how others treat me. They use me and abuse me and leave me in the dust but that doesn’t make them bad people…doesn’t mean anything. Man is selfish and we cannot fault him for being created that way. So instead, we can only strive to be unselfish ourselves. And I have been a decent guy as long as I have lived and I know it. As Bernie my English teacher says, “It’s all right to pride yourself on the good things you are, don’t deny they’re there. But don’t ever forget your faults.” And I’m a good man and I may not be selfless, but I’m not selfish either…and not many people are completely one or the other. There are those who say that our lives are all our own, and others who say we have NO control. Neither is true. We have control of what we do and we cannot control what others do to us. It’s like driving, we assume the others will stop at the red light like we do, but some blow through, some stop early, some make a sudden turn….who knows. And yet there is always hope and I shall smile through it all. I may be a clutz and get bloody noses and embarrass myself in at least three ways a day, but I am still well-off…..because I know I am.

My philosophy….

Smile through it all!

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thats cool.. your philosophy that is…. but some people cant smile through it all… some people cant even smile at all.. everything tends to suck!! ok well toodles

interesting philosophy

That’s a good philosophy. 🙂 -Laura

easier said than done..but a good idea;)..ya know i hate when ppl act like they have no control over their actions…grr on them lol..but yeah i agree..cant help the way others act to u, all ya can do is make sure ur a good person yourself, and you are:)