Shit Shit Shit Shitty Day

Well..the good news: I got cast as Howard in Moon Over Buffalo at the Phipps.

Bad News: I wanted Paul and the guy who got it sucks anyway. Great. I missed other auditions because I couldn’t find them. I have eight million assignments due and I am working on them and I’m just sooo fucking tired that I can’t bear to stand. I fucked up my lines and still don’t have a costume for the one acts that go on tomorrow….I fucked up my arm cuz the girl decided tonight might be a good night to start over-acting and ended up knocking us both off stage and banging the shit out of my arm.

I saw Daredevil again but the people I was supposed to meet didn’t show.

Lindsey still hasn’t called. She finally did on Wednesday and then I called her and she wasn’t there and so I told her to call me and she hasn’t….soooo yeah. Shit.






Well hey fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck,

Shitty shitty wicky wa…..

That’s the extent of my rapping and you will probably never see me rap again, so feel blessed.

Now I’m going to write a paper, because it’s due tomorrow and that usually means you have to have it done. Yeah…so.

Log in to write a note

*HUGS you*

stress sucks my butt! You’ll do an excellent job though! Good luck Brad! :o)

Oh man…I’m sorry. That sucks.I hope everything falls into place.

ok now you are sounding like me you are so over doing it with somethings you can’t take it anymore so what I want you to do is the next day you have like this call me and vent so you can maybe feel better ok I will talking to you soon.Jen

*hugz* I’m sorry, I hope it gets better! ~*Betsy*~

aww.. I’m really sorry thýngs are goýng kýnda bad but I’m sure they wýll work out eventually!