
No song have I to sing, sweet rose,

All my words lost in a single stare,

Yet, anyway, none would ever do,

To paint the way I feel for you.

No words I know compare.

No song have I to give you, sweet rose,

All my songs wasted on lovers long-since gone,

Yet lucky I truly am to be,

To be so awful music’lly,

For now I truly see that I was wrong.

No song could I compose for you, sweet rose,

I’d rather say the words in unflowered truth,

For genuine is my heart and soul,

No poetry could ever show

That I’d give my all to be with you.

We’ve shared fits of laughter,

A million tears we both have shed,

We’re searching for each other,

Yet we always find someone else instead,

And all my life I’ve hid away,

My every heart’s desire,

Yet I can’t stand to let another day,

Leave unquenched my passion’s burning fire,

For I love you with all my soul.

No flowered song will I sing, sweet rose,

Just this ballad from my lips shall flow,

For once in life I’ll brave the thorns,

To see if I’ll be the one you adore,

And if not, then at least I’ll know…..

So what will your answer be, sweet rose,

I wonder how the fates will decide,

For my heart will always long for you,

Though you’ll never know, it will be true,

When you need me most, I’ll be by your side….

We’ll share fits of laughter

A million tears we shall shed,

We’ll keep searching for each other,

Yet we’ll find someone else instead,

And when my life fades away,

My heart will think back and smile,

For though I didn’t get my way,

I’ll have been with you all the while,

For you’ll live on in my soul……

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Wonderful, just wonderful. Like always. 🙂 __

do you have a gýrl frýend? your poems are so full of love!! they are so awesome…. sýnce I saw moulýn rouge I’m ýn thýs mood where I want a b/f who’dd sýng me and wrýte me poems, oh well!!!!

i’ve said it once and i’ll say it again. you have a gift. you write beauifully. keep it up

I’m working my way backwards, you see the life in your emotions. It’s spititual. I like it.
