Redemption of The Fallen Soul

I write this anthem, this mystical song to thee,

Not because I can but because I must,

To prove to the world and to God above,

That what I feel now is an everlasting love.

And I shall face the consequences with head held high,

If it means I am cast to hell when I die.

Let the rain and snow fall upon this body of mine,

I won’t let it cut me through,

Or let me burnt to death by cruel sunshine,

It won’t stop me loving you,

Torture me to the brink of death,

Cripple me and cut me down,

No matter what you do I won’t scream,

For I shall stand against it all to prove,

That you are worth more than anything else I lose.

Cut my eyes away so I can’t see,

The memory of your eyes is enough for me,

The way they caught the light like flawless diamonds,

The way they pierced my skin and made me shiver,

Not with cold but with a soft, sad love,

Knowing that the world does not see in you what I do,

And after seeing it I need no eyes to find my way.

Cut my tongue, draw out my voice and lock it away,

I won’t search for it, won’t waste a single day,

For I can still hear the melodies you sang so sweetly,

Not to me but to someone near,

And I shall keep that echoing in my mind forever,

Knowing that it will drive me on though I cannot speak,

Without my voice I shall not be weak.

Burn the lips from my face so that I can never kiss thee,

I shall not be sad for I can feel your honey lips even now,

Not upon my own lips but deep within my soul,

Where roses grow in vast green gardens,

Where buttercups line the walls and glow in yellows,

There your raspberry kiss will always last,

Though my tongue and lips have long since gone.

Break the bones within my legs with hammers and stones,

You’ll never cripple me as long as you await somewhere,

I shall stand and walk lest my legs be taken completely,

Then I shall crawl, and if my arms be gone,

I shall find someway, this I swear it,

For not a needless day without you shall pass,

No matter what they take from me.

And if they cut my heart from my body,

They shall find a new one within a day,

For love is not held within the heart,

But held within your very blood, held within your soul,

And no man-made weapon can strip the soul away,

So my love shall remain and I shall never stray,

So let the cruelest surgeon do his worst.

Yet when the jury comes and finds me,

Screaming when they’ve cut my voice,

Standing without any legs,

Staring through them with hollow eyes,

Smiling secretly in my invincible soul,

They shall ask me why I love without a heart,

And my reply shall remain the same:

“For I love one without doubt, without question of my faith and truth,

I love her eyes and lips and tongue and touch,

I love her every single fault not for its failure nor as an oddity,

But because those faults shape her million facets,

Making each and every one glimmer in beauty and complexity,

I love her without fear that she despises my soul as if I was poison,

Nor sadness for she feels nothing but ice at my name,

For though you’ve made me an abomination to all mankind,

This love God’s bestowed upon me for this, my angel,

Makes me more than any man could ever wish to be,

This love that fills me to the very core of being and makes me understand

What truly is defined as love: not devotion nor irrational kindness,

Nor the willingness to forsake one’s very being for their love,

For willingness implies the act of decision, no decision lies in love,

Love is no emotion like the poets proclaim in their foolish sonnets,

What love is is something more, no magic can even compare to this,

Immortality means nothing to true love for eternity lies within one moment

For any two who feel the love that fills my body and maintains all things,

Love needs not desire, lust, necessity, nor forgiveness,

For all these things have no place in true love’s soul,

Love is letting all things go into the lilac winds that dance in the invisible air,

Love is not discovering your perfect lover but being one instead,

A lover who forgives all things but never questions whether to,

A lover who needs not remember every special day for every day is special,

A lover who needs no sustenance beyond the sustenance of a kiss or embrace,

These are the things that love demands, and these are the things I pledge to her,

Yet you all may say I’m foolish, brash, and worst of all, young,

But I say this is what makes me stronger yet,

For I’m too young to know the meaning of give in, I’ve long to live and long to fight

For my love’s hand, and fight I shall until my breath doth leave,

And I be buried six feet deep and left to wait for my love to come to me.”

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wow that was great..some powerfully disturbign images..but it adds to effect..hehe spectacular..