One More…I promise

1. Age? 18

2. Biggest turn on? Eyes, hair, lips….smile…laugh…

3. What’s your middle name(s)? Owen

4. What was your first piercing? Never had one.

5. Are your parents divorced or still married? Married, though they act like they’re divorced.

6. What languages can you speak? English, and a little spanish

7. Would you rather shave, wax, or pluck? Shave, I shave as is.

8. Do you have brothers or sisters? Three brothers.

9. Boxers or briefs? / Panties or thongs? Boxers for me, I don’t care for women.

10. If you could have one super-power, what would it be? To have a mind that could wield destructive powers and control/read minds.

11. Why? Because then I would be all powerful…and I’d never fear anything or worry. And if you think destruction is too much….well that’s your perogative, and me, if I’m going to have a superpower, it might as well be all out.

12. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when I say onomatopoeia? My mind stayed blank….hm.

13. Last movie you watched? Harry Potter, actually.

14. Last song you heard? A knew filter song….yay!

15. How would you commit suicide? Shoot myself in the head.

16. How many bones have you broken? Two

17. Which ones? The radius and ulna

18. Would you rather loose a hand or foot? A hand.

19. Why did you choose that? Because feet would throw me off balance, and I could still do everything I need to with one hand. Although writing would be hard, but I’d get it down….not to mention, I’ll end up rich enough to buy a mechanical hand.

20. How would you describe your style? Imagine a raving lunatic tripped out on drugs, that would be me….very creative but odd.

21. What’s the worst pain you’ve felt? Hate.

22. How much time do you take to get ready in the morning? Half an hour.

23. Do you shower at night or in the morning? Every morning.

24. On a scale of 1- 10, how was today? It’s just starting and is only a 5

25. (Deleted by Bob due to stupidity of the question)


26. Vegetable: Brussel Sprouts

27. Class in high school: Media Literacy

28. Brand of shoes: Rockport?

29. Food: Shrimp

30. Smell: Perfume

31. Actor: I do like Tom Hanks too…..or Vin Diesel…there are too many to pick

32. Actress: Hot women, like Famke Jansen

33. Beverage: Dr. Pepper

34. Superhero? Probably Bishop from the X-men

35. Simpsons Character: Homer.

36. Word: Love

37. Least-favorite word: Worthless

38. Website:

39. Animal: Dogs

40. Part of the human body: Eyes.

Complete the following:

41. God is: true, but not most people’s truth.

42. Guns should be: mine to do with as I please…;)

43. If I were 7 again I would: stop trying to be smart and just try and be popular…sad but true.

44. Elmo is: the true Satan

45. Child molesters should: be slaughtered in the streets, see #42 for how.

46. High school is: A terrible memory mixed with a few good points.

47. Police officers need to: be remembered and respected.

48. If I were invisible I would: Kill my enemies and set into motion things that would benefit my friends.

49. T.V. is: A good way to relax

50. Love is: a feeling I desire but never receive.

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ull feel love….trust me :)….i wuv u!!!-lol-

I won’t steal this one…right now. *wink* I’ll come back and leave wonderful notes later. I have to get to work!!!!!! *hugs*

you know, these surveys are startýng to look lýke each other and have the same questýons!!!! stýll ý love them but ý wont steal thýs týme !!!!! love ya