One Big Nasty Laugh

What a shithole this place is.

I was right in thinking there was nothing left in this town worth coming back for. I go to sleep at ten o’clock at night because my parents are two of the most boring fucks on the planet. I’m in a rage at the moment, if you haven’t noticed.

Christmas was fine. Kind of sucked, but no big deal. We ate good food and kept to the usual festivities where we get games or something and then in the process of trying to enjoy our gifts, we are insulted by the rest of the family because they HATE the things.

God these people are bastards. I feel like screaming. I look at my father and what I see is a man whose influence has been to allow me the financial privileges to try and achieve my dreams while his actual physical, direct, and intended influence has been nothing but to try and degrade my dreams, shatter them, force me to be unhappy, and build a rage inside of me comprable only to his own. I can’t let the fucking anger out either. There’s no place for it to go. I try and hate certain people that I meet just so that I can vent on them….because I can’t get any roles that have any emotional exhaustion…any way to vent, to release at all. It makes me want to scream. I want to scream. Have I said that? It seems to be my new favorite word.

Today is the 26th. Only til the 4th and then I’m rocketting back to River Falls for several days to enjoy freedom from anger, sadness, oppression and depression. It wouldn’t be so bad if I had someone I could really confide in besides this place. This place. Ha. Another nasty laugh.

I love this place, adore it, it is one of my most beloved places and endeavors. Yet, this is the only place where I can confess everything. And once I get it out, I haven’t even scratched the surface. I can’t explain it in writing. I need someone there I can yell right at, with deep and meaning hate and sadness and who I can say beautiful things to, with deep and meaning love. But I have to mean them, and that person has to mean something to me. I know it’s the only way out. It is the only way out.

One big nasty laugh is what is going on in my head at 6:17 when I feel like going to sleep. Going to sleep at 6:17 pm? How sad. I have so much I want to accomplish and do but this place is a giant energy leech. If I was to spend another summer here, I swear that I would probably die. I’d wither away. Every time I come home I feel weaker and weaker….not sick….but physically drained simply because I can’t deal with these people.

Where am I going with this? What’s the point anymore? I don’t know. I wish I knew. I wish I had a point. Anymore, my writing on here…any substantial writing that might let you in to the window of my soul is in poetry, poetry that nobody reads. I wonder how many entries in this diary have actually been read by people and such. I wonder if this is just another selfish endeavor….that I believe that someone might actually care about what happens in the trivial times of my life when I can sit down and write.

Good night all. Off to stop existing again. To have no emotion, no cares, and feel only absentness.

I laugh, cuz I think if my little brother or anyone read this they’d think me melodramatic. Most people who know me would. Most people who know me well, or who have known me for a long time, would dismiss any of this as simply as over-dramatic exaggeration. Nobody understands how important my dreams and emotions are…..and nobody understands that I need them to understand in order to feel at all whole. Instead, most peoople just let out one big nasty laugh.

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Sorry, I’m retarded. I thought you were sappose hang wit’ the fam. though?

December 26, 2003

Hi, are you me? Because seriously, that’s exactly the way I feel when I’m at home. Granted I have a few friends to keep me company, but Jesus, that’s scary. And my friends definately say that I am way too overdramatic about things that really matter. Good luck. I am putting your diary on my favorites 🙂 (Only the fourth fav by the way, and I’ve been here for four years).

December 26, 2003

Hey brad… Just wanted to let you know that i will be in rf (on and off) the 2nd through the 10 or 11th, something like that, back and forth w/ work… let me know again when you will be there coz i forgot! (silly nik!) luv ya! nik

Your damn right you have to obey ‘the queen’! I know you think people don’t understand but we do. The only difference is, other people are better at pretending everything is okay and can hold all of their emotions in. Which is a discription of me most of the time. Everyone has to let it out sometime, oddly enough it seems like when you finely do let it out you regret it. I do anyway.

December 27, 2003

yeah, well maybe i’ll visit ya and sleep on your cowch.(hehehe, i just learned how to spell!) maybe i’ll think about auditioning… i don’t know… i suck @ em. hehehe, well, let me know what u r doing later this weekend, etc, maybe we can get together… call my cell, i usually have it on me, (and it’ll give you an excuse to say “hottie” talk to you later! luv ya tons Nik

Sometimes we find caring – respect, even admiration – in places we cannot see or never thought to look. I’ve admired you for some time. Everything you feel is real, and never let anyone tell you otherwise. Artists feel more deeply – that is our particular Mark of Cain. Trying listening instead of talking – you might hear something.

RYN: Doesn’t matter how in check you keep it – it’s all still real. We all develop strategies for dealing with reality, that doesn’t make it less so. Sure you know me. I thought that would be rather obvious.

“look at my father and what I see is a man whose influence has been to allow me the financial privileges to try and achieve my dreams while his actual physical, direct, and intended influence has been nothing but to try and degrade my dreams, shatter them, force me to be unhappy, and build a rage inside of me comprable only to his own” I can so relate to that, but of course you know that…as far

as reading, when I’m around I try to keep up…I lost the starting from the beginning part…don’t even know where I was, but I did get a large chunk of the way through it…that’s got to count for something. I know how it is though, I post and I get frustrated when it seems like no one is reading. There are parts, because of not knowing who will that I made private, but I hate having to do that..

in fact I think pretty soon here I’m going to abandon this one…well not THIS one, my writing one, but THIS one my regular one like I did prisoner, and have a new one that I keep open and not slip up like i did before..letter to shandy, duh, on email my mom knew the password to..just to be safe….(she never did email me afraid she did kill herself..thats what her last entries were about

and now her diary has been deleted…)anyhow…I’m off..I still haven’t really written in mine, anything of substance…but I need to get shit done for my classes..bah..I’m tempted to go back to my offline journal for awhile just to get things down…