Ok, I lied, here come some more…yes I’m bored..

1. [Spell your name backwards]: yeldarb

2. [Where do you live?]: Chetek, WI

3. [Describe yourself in four words]: Crazy, romantic, frustrated, driven.

4. [Who is your worst enemy?]: Myself, probably.

5. [If you could have any animal for a pet, what would it be?]: A perpetual puppy

6. [What is the latest you’ve ever stayed up?]: How late is it until it begins to be early?

7. [Ever bee to Belgium?]: Nope.

8. [What’s your favorite coin?]: A vintage one, one that would sell for a lot…;)


9. [Wallet]: black, vinyl, worn.

10. [Brush]: Don’t use a brush.

11. [Toothbrush]: White and blue.

12. [Jewelry worn daily]: None.

13. [Pillow cover]: white with a blue border

14. [Blanket]: a blue vellux blanket

15. [Coffee cup]: I don’t have one, nor do I drink coffee.

16. [Sunglasses]: I need them, but don’t have any.

17. [Underwear]: Right now? Gold shiny boxers.

18. [Shoes]: Brown sandals

19. [Handbag]: I don’t have one.

20. [Favorite shirt]: A gold shiny one.

21. [Favorite pants]: Khakis…I don’t know.

22. [Cologne/Perfume]: Don’t wear any usually.

23. [CD in stereo right now]: Collective Soul: Dosage

24. [Tattoos]: Don’t got none…;)

25. [Piercings]: Ditto

26. [Wearing]: Green short sleeve shirt and beige shorts.

27. [Hair]: dark brown, almost black, somewhat fuzzy cuz I don’t have gel in now.

Do they leave out numbers on purpose?

29. [In my mouth]: My teeth and tongue…and that little punching bag thing….;)

30. [In my head]: Air?

31. [Wishing]: I could get my way with the ladies…;)

32. [After this]: Eating ice cream and sleeping.

33. [Talking to]: Myself.

34. [Eating]: Nuttin

35. [Do you like candles]: Not especially.

36. [Do you like hot wax]: No.

37. [Do you like incense]: A little.

38. [Do you like the taste of blood]: Actually, disturbingly, it’s not that bad.

39. [Fetishes]: There’s a secret one I haven’t told anyone….but what the hell. I really like women who change their appearance, ya know? Who don’t always stay the same…maybe that says something.

40. [If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason]: Anyone standing in the way of my movie career…I just said why.

41. [Person you wish you could be with right now] My crush, I’m still in love with her…or like her….I guess. I’m not going to actually write her name in my diary cuz she might read it….

42. [What/Who is next to you]: None

43. [What do you want done with your body when you die]: Whatever, I’m not using it.

44. [Do you believe in love]: Absolutely.

45. [Do you believe in soulmates]: I doubt many things, but not this nor love.

46. [Do you believe in love at first sight]: Yes.

47. [Do you believe in Heaven]: Or something like it.

48. [Do you believe in forgiveness]: Yes.

49. [Do you believe in God]: My own version.

50. [What’s something that you wish people would understand]: That I’m worth spending time with

51. [What’s something you wish you could understand better]: Why people won’t give me a chance.

52. [What’s one thing you want to make happen for tomorrow?]: I was the kind of person to win my crush’s heart.

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someone’s gonna gýve you a chance , don’t worry about ýt!!!! I never ýmagýned golden color on a guy!!!!!