Ok, enough is enough. Tomorrow I write something

But for now, one more survey.

20 questions

First Ten….All About You

#1) What do you wish was your name?: I like my name…

#2) What song seems to reflect you the most?: Epiphany by Staind.

#3) What thing always makes your day when it happens/ you see it?: When I see someone I have a crush on.

#4) If you could change one of your qualitites, what would it be and why?: I would be more muscular, I don’t think I’m attractive enough.

#5) What in your life influences you the most?: Movies. They’re all that influence me in anyway.

#6) What has been your wildest/best/most interesting fantasy? Has it come true?: First of all, it hasn’t come true. Secondly, I’m not telling you what it was…;)

#7) Which feature of yours do you love? My eyes, my mind, my heart, the rest of me is wishy-washy to me.

#8) If you had to have a picture be your symbol, what would it be and why?: A glass heart. There are so many symbolic meanings that ring true to it.

#9) What would you title the movie or soundtrack of your life?: The Lost

#10) What are you most dissapointed with so far?: My love life.

Next Five….About Others

#1) What one quality makes a person worth being around?: Them wanting to be around me.

#2) What one thing about a friend always pisses you off?: Them never even acknowledging I exist except we happen to run into each other.

#3) Ok, now vent your worst people experience: People in general, they make me so angry and frustrated and depressed. They never call, hell, I called three people today and guess how many called back? None. One apologized for never calling me back, but didn’t return my call since she was tired. Another never answers my messages, and the third just didn’t call. So fuck em.

#4) What is a major turn on?: Eyes. A person who wants to be with me. That’s the major reason I don’t ask people out, I want them to want me.

#5) If you could create the perfect person, what three qualities would they have and what would they look like?: Qualities: Beautifully unique eyes, a creative mind, and a smile they use too much. Looks aren’t important to me, really. Red heads, auburn, or blondes, eye color, weight or body style, nothing matters really, I like it all.

Last Five….About Life

#1) What confuses you the most about life?: Love.

#2) What’s one thing that goes on that makes you wanna scream?: Love.

#3) Which matters more, people’s words or actions? Why?: What matters isn’t words or actions but intent in either.

#4) Does love really make the world go round? No, gravity does. Love stops it from moving at all.

#5) What one issue is most important to you?: Love.

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GO TO BED ALREADY!!! IT’S LATE! well, not really, but still…

lots of surveys!

love confuses you a lot seems lýke consýderýng the last 5 answers!!!! oh and ýts more normal for a guy to ask a gýrl out… that may be why they dont approach you!