1. What brand of toothpaste do you use? Crest

2. Shampoo + Conditioner in one ..or separate? In Uno.

3. What Brands? Suave, don’t I look smart.

4. What flavor dental floss? Floss? What’s that?

5. Do you roll your socks, pull them up? Pull em, though I don’t understand why this is relevant.

6. Toilet paper: ?? Wad.

7. Do you know Donald Ducks middle name? He doesn’t have one, though I think Daffy’s is Dumas?

8. Favorite color? Black, red.

9. Summer footwear: sandals or nothing? Sandals

10. Apples, oranges, ornas? Oranges.

11. Lefty or righty? Righty

12. Glass is half-empty or half-full? Half full.

13. Bleh or blah? Blah

14. What do you like about yourself? My writing ability.

15. Would you ever wear Taz boxers? YEAH!

16. Do you sing in the shower? Oh yeppers.

17. Do you talk to your pet? All the time.

18. Do you talk to yourself? More often than my dog.

19. Do you have a secret crush on your dentist/doctor/etc? They’re all guys, so nooooooo!

20. Do you know your mailman/woman’s name? They’re always different.

21. Do you give your mailman/woman a gift on Xmas? Uh…no.

22. Do you have 11 toes? The wierd thing is, when I focus on my nose, there seem to be like eighteen of em….wierd…..

23. What is the lamest pick up line you’ve ever used? Umm….let’s see…did I ever pick anyone up is the first question to be asked…..

24. Would you ever buy/use a pink pen? Why the heck not.

25. Would you ever buy ANYTHING pink? Yeah….but there are certain things you could get away with buying that are pink.

26. Mickey Mouse or Bugs Bunny? Bugs Bunny.

27. Do you think Daffy Duck is hot? Probably, hell, he’s in all black and those cartoons always seem to be in full sun…he’s probably dying.

28. Would you ever recite poetry to a member of the

opposite sex? HAVE YOU READ MY DIARY?! That’s what I do!!

29. If you HAD to, what color nail polish/lipstick

would you wear? Black.

30. Do you bite your lip when you’re nervous? No.

31. Would you skip school if you had a huge zit between your eyes on picture day? I’m out of school, and probably not.

32. Do tight jeans make guys look gay? How tight?

33. How do you take mascara off? With a wet rag…oh wait….I can explain…I act…..*laughs nervously*

34. Would a girl wearing blue/green mascara turn you

on? Depends on the girl…..duh.

36. Would u ever wear lip gloss? Probably not

37. What’s better: gummi sweettarts or sweettart gum? Gummi sweettarts…oh yeah!!

38. M&Ms or Skittles? M&M’s!! Crispy…mmm…peanut butter, too.

39. Do you go to public places with your mom, and

actually TALK to her? Unfortunately I’m dragged along.

40. What is 1 + 1 ? That’s a trick question…ha.

41. What is your favorite holiday? My b-day.

42. Pick one: RuPaul – Dennis Rodman? Dennis Rodman.

43. How old are you? 18

44. How old do you WANT to be? I like my age….thank you.

45. Where do you want to live? California.

46. Where do you want to go? To Cali and Spain

47. Who do you want to meet? Somebody with hollywood connections who could get me in…Tom Cruise….

48. Do you like Kool-Aid? It’s all right.

49. Does pine-sol smell good? There are several different scents, see how much you know….

50. What are your favorite pizza toppings? Pepperoni, black olives, and cheese.

51. Do you like toast? A little….

52. Do you still carve pumpkins? Nope.

53. Do you still leave cookies & milk out for Santa? Not once I caught the evil imposter and had him imprisoned. Though I haven’t seen my dad much since then either….

54. Have you lost all your (baby) teeth? I don’t keep track.

55. Have your wisdom teeth seen light yet? Yes, and two are dead now…..moment of silence.

56. Clear or colored? Colored.

57. When your dentist asked, what flavor fluoride did

you pick: bubble-gum, grape, or mint? Watermelon, my dentist was up on things ya know.

58. Where is your hand right NOW? On the keyboard, where do you think?

59. What is better: your left ear or right pinky? My ear….who cares about a screwy little pinky.

60. Okay or O’tay? O’tay!

61. French poodle or french kiss? Kiss

62. Are 2 x 4s really 2 inches by 4 inches? Actually, no.

63. If not, how big are they REALLY? I can’t remember.

64. Do you have a 2 x 4 or a 1 x 2? 2 x 4 baby….;)

65. Do you know your parents’ birthdays/ages? Absolutely, and for that I may be shot….

66. Do you know your siblings birthdays/ages? I think so, though Dave seems to have stayed 30 for eight years now.

67. Does your grandma tell you she is 29? My grandma doesn’t talk and the other one I don’t speak to.

68. Have you ever used colored white-out? isnt’ that an oxymoron?

69. What do you think of Smurfette? She’s a smurf…I don’t know.

70. What is your favorite book? Any Terry Pratchett, probably Good Omens….that was so funny.

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*laughs* Brad, we have to stop!! I’m stealing this…eventually I think my fetish will die down.