
College is tomorrow….wow. I’m finally going to be semi-free….at least out of the sight of my parents….new and big things are about to happen in my life now. I’ve always felt restrained here…..ever since I found my mom snooping through a book of my poetry….I’ve always felt eyes on everything I wrote….so now I’ve kept quiet…but tomorrow…..tomorrow I’m going to finally unlock everything in me and become something better then I was before! Mwahahaha……I needed a good maniacal laugh……

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Hope college goes well for you. It’s been two days of it for me and I’m already kinda tired of it…lol. Okay so not really, just plain tired. Take care and have fun.

hehe yeah i’m in college technically, but I’m also technically a senior in hs..but next year i’ll be out at BG at least 45minutes from them at any given time, which is good because the majority of my classes will involve writing and i hate ppl reading shit when i dont ask them to, or put it out there and say it’s ok..even on here theres certain ppl it isnt meant for..hope the year went well for u

March 4, 2003

Well crap, I wish i could’ve been there to say b-bye. heh. Well now you are more than semi-free, you are UBERFREE -with the exception of holidays and postcards and what-have-you.