Movies Movies Movies!

Well, I have three reviews to post here, so, I hope those few readers left enjoy!!!

1. My Big Fat Greek Wedding:

This movie really is very funny, especially to me since I have a Polish family from Chicago, much like the family in the movie, in some respects. Almost all the characters are well defined and I have to say that it’s not just a chick flick, because guys will get a lot of the humor as well. It’s one of those movies that everyone can relate to. It’s not incredibly innovative, more of the classic standard, and it pulls it off incredibly well. I’d give it 4 out of 5 stars only because the movie is not the momentus epic that some movies are.

2. Harry Potter 2

Nancy dragged me along to see this and I have to say this about the series, kill me if you wish. Firstly, I lost respect for a writer who creates a world of magic and then justifies certain odd happenings as simply: ‘the world is magic.’ There seems to be a lot of this constantly throughout these movies. You just have to accept the constant little inconsistencies as ‘magic.’ Secondly, after watching the movie, there are a few questions about things that happen that apparently the book explains. Like where does the blood come from for the writing, and also, why the hell does the sword just appear there? Some of that stuff seemed a bit too open-ended…and not the kind of open-ended, thought provoking script writing, but open-ended cuz there is no justification stuff. Anyway, I’ll give it 4 of 5 stars since Kenneth Branagh and Alan Rickman are in it, and they really make it worthwhile.

3. Die Another Day

OH dear sweet lord. Yes, Bond movies are basically sexist and Halle Berry really pisses me off since she’s not that great of an actress; she just gets naked and stuff on camera. Even in this movie she seems mediocre, though I must admit, I expect her to be worse. First of all, she’s the female bond, and the American one…and I guess ghetto since she talks like a ghetto thug…which makes her character unbelievable and also inconsistent with Bond’s constant British wit and one-liners. All I have to say is if they make a series, I’ll cry. She’s not that great of a character…she should just be more of a Felix Leiter character or something like that…a recurring but not integral character. Ok, enough of Halle Berry, she was at least able to remain a good Bond girl.

Now for the movie itself. I have to say IT ROCKS! Ok, the sound effects were incredibly loud and unbelievably awesome, and Ricky Yune’s character, Zao, is one of the best-looking freak bond villains in a while. Gustav Graves is the perfect bad guy asshole and Miranda Frost is absolutely hot(weep weep weep for Miranda) Anyway, there is so much good action–the sword fight scene with Gustav is just absolutely unbelievable! Of course, John Cleese returns along with several little quips from old bond films. (Halle Berry’s entrance like Honey Ryder, a quote in a magazine that says Diamonds are Forever, the old bond rocketpack, the ol’ parachute tricks. I must say also that this Bond film once more tries to embark into drama, at least in the beginning with Bond’s capture and torture(don’t worry, I’m not spoiling anything.) Of course, they don’t make it the big long dramatic schpeel of the Dalton era, but keep it toned down. Afterall, Bond is supposed to be an action movie. There are some good little twists, though clearly visible…and there are plenty of little things that will shock and tease old Bond fans….anyone who has seen the series will know what’s obviously fake…;)

Anyway, I’ll admit I’m biased, since I love the Bond films just for their constantly sexy women, interesting villains, witty one-liners…and gadgets. The gadgets are few in this movie, though the car itself is so freaking awesome it’s not even funny. I give it 5 out of 5 stars…becuz I can and I wanna….though I”ll admit I”d only give it 3 if I was going to see something absolutely dramatic and toure de force.

There are my reviews…hope all is well in your lives….off to write essays!

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i tried to read the first harry potter, but something about the writers version of her world, just bugged me. i liked things to be explain a little more, so i agree. i’ve never seen a bond movie, and see no reason to start now. halle berry irritates me.

ive never seen the potter movies just because i dont really give a damn to see a book that takes four hours to read retold with minimal explainations..i always find inconsistencies and what forever analyzing did that get there..and my parents yell at me because it’s “just a movie” like it’s justification for it being inconsistent.

ryn: hehe..long distance ass kicking eh? luv ya;)

I went and saw Die Another Day on opening day with four of my friends and we were all wearing tuxes! It was AWESOME!!! And I must say, the review is dead-on! Ahem…Harry Potter bites….*cough*…

i just wrote a bunch the other day! haha you guys are relentless. that’s good though. 🙂 i refuse to write another word until i get my thesarus tomorrow. haha then i’m back in business.