Montage Entry

This entry really shall sum up most of my feelings now through lyrics and movie reviews. You see, right now I’m in a mixed place as I think about things. You see, I’m trying to find love, cuz I want it badly and there are several people I’d like to pursue it with…several. And that makes me upset that I can’t stick to one and that makes me upset because I feel like I’m betraying each of them for hoping for one of them to like me.

There’s Marissa….

And today Carrie really was attractive and made me feel like dating her…and we’ll be living together which could present problems or opportunities….

And there’s Beth…..but I don’t know about her just because she doesn’t seem to really be all there at least as far as awareness…Marissa doesn’t listen and Carrie’s a bit full of herself and whiny…..but Beth just doesn’t seem to be at all….in the now at times. She is but she isn’t.


Ten Little Indians…yeah…this is going to be interesting. It’s the first show at the Red Barn and all these shows that we do there are brilliant, but we’re only going to have four rehearsals and I have one of the largest parts…in fact I really have the male lead as far as examining the characters goes…..though Blore and Wargrave have a lot of lines too…..four rehearsals….sheesh……..

But I love my character and I love the script, so it should pull itself off.

A movie review now:


I saw this movie before Bulletproof actually. I liked it, but it was nothing special. There wasn’t a whole hell of a lot of plot, there wasn’t much dialogue, and really, overall, it was just basically a classic-type movie made in the now…..

John Malkovich was of course, good, and the character development was all right…but in the end, the movie really lacks any oovruh. A renter…and that’s all I’ve got for it.

And finally, a song from Cabaret, a song that, if you translate the voice so it’s a guy’s instead of a girl’s…..fits me.

MAYBE THIS TIME from Cabaret

Maybe this time,

I’ll be lucky,

Maybe this time he’ll stay

Maybe this time,

For the first time,

Love won’t hurry away….

He will hold me fast….

I’ll be home at last….

Not a loser…


Like the last time

And the time before….


Loves a winner….

So nobody loves me…..

Lady peaceful,

Lady happy….

That’s what I long to be……

All the odds are

In my favor…

Something’s bound to begin,

It’s gotta happen,

Happen sometime,

Maybe this time I’ll win…


Loves a winner….

So nobody loves me….

Lady peaceful..

Lady happy….

That’s what I long to be…..

All the odds are

In my favor…

Something’s bound to begin….

It’s gotta happen….

Happen sometime….

Maybe this time I’ll win….

Log in to write a note

Only 4? That’s frickin’ insane.

Four rehearsals…whoa. Good luck with that, Brad. I’m sure you’ll pull it off well.