
I’m listening to this very excellent song by Maroon15, this band that my little brother played for me. They’re very good actually, a lot better when you listen to them with headphones I think. I figured I might as well fill out the lyrics to the song and then write a little prose because of the mood I’m in. I feel like creating something, but my laptop is still at the apartment.

Beauty queen of only eighteen,

She has some trouble with herself,

He was always there to help her,

She always belonged to someone else.

I drove for miles and miles

And wound up at your door….

I’ve had you so many times….

But somehow I want more…

I don’t mind spending everyday,

Out on your corner in the pouring rain,

Look for the girl with the broken smile,

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile,

And she will be loved….

And she will be loved….

Tap on my window, knock on my door,

I want to make you feel beautiful,

I know I tend to get so insecure,

Doesn’t matter anymore,

It’s not always rainbows and butterflies,

It’s compromise, it moves so slow,

My heart is full and my door is always open

You come any time you want.

I don’t mind spending everyday,

Out on your corner in the pouring rain,

Look for the girl with the broken smile,

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile,

And she will be loved….

And she will be loved….

And she will be loved….

And she will be loved….

I know where you hide,

Alone in your car,

I know all the things

That make you who you are

I know that goodbye

Means nothing at all,

She comes back and makes me

Catch her everytime she falls….

Tap on my window, knock on my door,

I want to make you feel beautiful…

I don’t mind spending everyday

Out on your corner in the pouring rain

Look for the girl with the broken smile,

Ask her if she wants to stay awhile,

And she will be loved….

And she will be loved….

And she will be loved….

And she will be loved….


I love you. I know I love you and I know exactly what that means. People give their cliche-filled definitions of what they think love is and they’re all wrong. Love has no definition. It’s different for everyone, but when it hits you, you know it. That’s the only thing that stays true through everyone. And it’s hit me. It’s hit me hard.

I love you. Every moment you’re away I think about the next time I’ll see you and what we’ll do and how I’ll make you feel beautiful and make you feel wonderful, the way you unconsciously make me feel. And when I fall asleep you’re in my dreams and when you’re not I wake up and try out a new dream until you’re there. I say you’re name when no one’s around just because I like the sound of it and when I’m driving down the road I look for you in the faces of people on the street and in each car….because I just want to see you again. And everywhere I go where you might be, when I hear a voice I turn thinking it might just be you…..and though it never is, I’m all right.

I love you. I love you because everytime you smile I smile…and I don’t smile that way for anyone but you…and it’s not because I’m saving them for you, it’s because I can’t smile like that for anyone else.

I love you. And I can’t help but say it and think it wherever I go. I sit down and think out a million different things we can do so that I never have a moment where I have to give up seeing you….and I’ll do anything. Anything to be with you, no matter how much I might dislike where I’m going….you’ll make it perfect.

I want to take you to all the places that have ever been beautiful in my eyes, just to show you exactly what you look like to me….and I want to take you every place you ever thought was beautiful, so you know just how beautiful I want your life to be, because that might just pay you back for how beautiful you’ve made my life. And everytime I see you I become someone else….it’s not an act….but everything else just falls away and I’m the greatest I’ve ever been.

I’m in love with you. I’m madly in love with you and I won’t ever let you forget it….I won’t ever let you forget you’re beautiful, wonderful, and perfect…..and I know that I’ll never change….because I’ll spend a day with you and miss you for the two seconds you step away. And never have I been more jealous of others who spend their time with you…..I’ve never ever been jealous at all….and now I know what it’s like….and I love it. I love the jealous moments because I know that you’ll come back to me…..and when you do it’s bliss.

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I’ve only heard a few Maroon 5’s songs but can’t wait to hear more. Not only are their tunes very catch but also very fun. I do agree with you that Evanescence’s lyrics are angsty on their own, to get the full experience music is needed.

good song..did you write the entry below it about someone? (i’ve been gone so long ive no idea how your life and love life is going..hopefully well;) ryn: rather than explain, i’ll leave a link ~~prisoner this will take you to anti tragus (which i also have) and it has a link to tragus..there’s a description and pictures..but mine look cuter;) anyhow..hope this helps..i’m off..have a good day~prisoner

Good song…and beautiful writing, Brad.

this is the former prisoner_of_my_mind just letting you know that my new diary is damaged_goods