
I have so much to talk about I don’t know where to begin. Or at least so much I want to write. Firstly, for the prose.

So I went to ACTF for the last five days, and despite the overwhelming drama that surrounds a large mass of theatre people who can’t all have their selfish little ways, the trip was fun. People who didn’t go last year who came along this year made it all the better because they didn’t have anything to relate it to and that made it magic for them. And it was magic. This year the magic was just as great for me because of all the new things that happened this year that didn’t last year. Others were pissed because they didn’t win things that rightfully, they shouldn’t have, others were upset because the entire layout had been changed….and others were just upset all the time because their general nature is a bit too touchy. But for me and most, it was amazing. I loved every minute…well, not every, but most.

This probably stems from one great reason. The plays were exceptional this year. Only the “Christmas Schooner” made me want to blow my brains out for its awfulness(but from what I hear, that’s because I didn’t see “The Tempest.”) It was inspiring to see all the student written shows that faculty had the courage to put up and help get rewarded. I don’t think that happens in River Falls so much. I doubt the theatre faculty would be all for paying money to have a show I wrote adjudicated and designed, where as other schools are far more supportive. I sometimes begin to question whether I chose a school that was proper for me, though, at the time, I didn’t know how unsupportive some of our theatre faculty could be. Thank God for Ken, he’s always gung-ho. I got cast in one of the Ten-Minute One Acts so I had a little limelight of my own, but still, none of that was what made me happy most.

What made me most happy was someone who I met. She’s from Cleveland, Ohio unforunately, but I don’t know if that will stop me at this moment in my life, at least from keeping up with her. It won’t stop me from that. It was almost magic. The first day we arrived there I saw the girl and I pointed her out to Nate (as we always do when we find an attractive girl who piques our visual interest) and said “That one.” He agreed. How was I to know that she was good friends with someone who I met last year and thus they were going to be visitting all the time. I think I had a total of 18 hours of sleep the five days I was there, and the last night I only had one because I spent hours just laying around and talking with her. I didn’t make any moves, I thought that would be unfair from such a distance….

It was not without our problems. My friend Dave was interested her as well, and even after she made it clear that it was me she was interested in, he held on a bit, trying to cock-block as the term is. But I forgive him. He wasn’t nearly a pain as Sarah’s female friend, the one who introduced me to her, the one I had met last year, who liked me. So two girls liked me…that was quite encouraging….of course the girl was very….upset with Sarah for that and that presented its complications. Enough of that, however. The fact is, we have gone off our separate ways and now a distance only a telephone can conveniently link is what we have….that and email. I’ll give her a call tonight hopefully, now that I’ve caught up a bit on sleep.

Now for a stolen survey:

10 bands you’ve seen live:

*Sugar Cult


*Unwritten Law

*The Dweebs

*Um….nothing else really. I lose.

9 Things you look forward to:


*ACTF Next Year

*Opposites Attract/You’ve Got Male (The one acts I’m directing.)

*Writing a Show that Might be Done at River Falls

*Directing a Full Show at River Falls

*Going to California

*St. Croix Summer Valley Theatre and WTAs

*Kill Bill (Pt. 2)

*Falling in Love

8 Things you wear everyday:



*Pants of some sort


*A shirt

*A towel

*A smile (almost always)

*A mask at one time or another

7 Things that annoy you:


*Selfish people who go so far as to destroy others

*Those who spread rumors

*Stupid people


*Hypocrites who won’t admit that they are. Because we are all hypocrites at times, it’s just whether we admit that sometimes we do things that don’t make sense.

*Racists, sexists, and bigots in general.

6 Things you touch everyday:

*A computer

*Myself…oh yeah baby.

*A can of pop

*My clothes, my hair, the things I wear

*A remote control or the TV

*A phone

5 Things you do every morning:

*Get out of bed.


*Brush my Teeth

*Put on clothes

*Do my hair

4 People you’d like to spend more time with:


*Nate (I never can get enough)


*Jess, any of my friends, really.

3 Movies you could watch over and over again:


*The Three Amigos or the Jerk

*Kill Bill? I don’t know….

2 of your favorite songs at the moment:

*Politik by Coldplay

*She Will be Loved by Maroon 5

1 person you could spend the rest of your life with:

*There are a couple I think I could….but I’m not sure of because you have to spend your life with someone who wants to spend theirs with you. I’m not sure there is anyone who feels comfortable enough with me to say that. Me, I rush in so there are a few….

I’ve got to go for now. I was going to write a poem, but I need to get back to my apartment in RF to do that so I can listen to music and be uninterrupted by parentals.

Log in to write a note

glad you had fun. even if you sometimes question your college choice, I hope that you can make the most of the time you’re spending there. that’s cool about the girl, and I’m glad you didn’t make a move from such a distance…but keep talking to her, keep a friendship going and who knows what the future could hold. when you’re both in it, a long distance relationship can work. anyhow…hope u have

a good day, just wanted to stop back and make sure you’re doing well.

January 21, 2004

Hi Fuzzy Face. My phone died the other night when i lost you. I was blah blah blah-ing and didn’t notice the battery. Sorry! I called you yesterday…no answer…:( It was nice to talk to you for what we got. I’m glad you had a good time…maybe i’ll go next year! That’d be sweet:)Classes are good, rehearsal is better! Talk to you soon, Queen Lucy

January 21, 2004

Home, it was the only one i could remember. Were you in RF?

January 22, 2004

hey, cool survey, I may have to steal it! (my entries are getting extremely boring!!) well, see ya later. Luv ya nik