
This is the opening song to my musical. I know you’re probably wondering what the tunes are to them, but can’t really write music on here, so you’ll have to take what you can get. Tell me what you think, I’d really like opinions on it.

(Spoken) You know…there are many stories they tell…..

Bout heaven, angels, demons and Hell.

There are the stories of brimstone and fire,

They say it’s a place built out of sinful desire…..

(Beginning song)

Well I’ve come to say that it’s not true…..

It’s a place for people just like me or you……

And all those stories that they tell,

Bout demons, the devil, and Hell,

They’ve got it all wrong, even the name,

It’s a place where there’s no one to blame

For the sorrow, the anger, the sadness, the pain,

Just yourself,

And it’s called……


Haunted by the shadows of a million crimes….


Filled with the souls forgotten by time…..

We all have our tales,

Frightening but true….

We tried but we failed….

And you could fail, too…..

You may fight, you may scream,

You may think it’s a dream….

But this is as real

As anything else that you feel…..


Buildings built by bricks of tears….


Worse than the worst of any man’s fears…..

All of the stories they tell,

Of this place that is Hell,

They haven’t a clue,

Of what really is true,

They don’t know the pain,

That you feel split your brain,

Hearing the voices,

Cursing your choices….


The wind is our moan,


Our forever home…..



Where night never ends…..


Where you haven’t got friends……

For all the souls

Have one thing on their mind,

Their only goal’s,

Just to find their crime….

So that they may leave

And find their way to heaven,

So that their grief,

Will finally leave them…..


Where the wicked are left,


Where the lost are bereft….

We have nothing to us,

We are but air,

Forced to lose all trust,

That there is even a god there…

And eternity rolls on,

As we count each moment passing,

And souls keep gathering one by one,

Their sorrowful souls forever massing…


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it sounds like one of those funny horror movies where all the people are dressed in really bad outfits but i like it

I wish I could see/hear the musical in its entirity. I bet it’s awesome.

*agrees with virgingoddess* It would be cool to hear the whole musical with music. I like the song! ~*Betsy*~