Losing Lindsey

Well, hello everyone! It’s been awhile since I wrote here, and also a longer while since I’ve posted a chapter, I suppose I should get started for all ‘none’ of the readers who read the story…oh well.

Anyway….on to my life again:

Firstly, I’m recooperating from the mono, and I’ve got to go in for a check-up at least tomorrow, and then work on my play with this girl for Acting class, not that it’s going to be much fun since she’s a pretty bad actress…sigh.

Scapino is awesome…everyone has to come and see it…I have the most awesome costume on the whole face of the planet….it’s Amadeus meets That 70’s Show meets Austin Powers. It’s really freaking awesome!!

Now to the heart of my essay, which isn’t much longer.

Anyone who knows me knows that I have had a long standing crush on Lindsey O, the kind of girl who kind of fueled my reasons for coming to River Falls. It’s not a big crush, since she and I are best friends and I guess I don’t think of her in the same way I have other romantic interests, because I rarely care what I say to Lindsey, rather just being absolutely honest.

Unfortunately, my big mouth got me in a bit of trouble today. You see, she was dating this 24 year old guy who buys her all this stuff and is always visitting her and talking to her and everything. She keeps saying that they’re nothing more than friends, but I keep telling her that this guy obviously wants ‘more’ action.

Anyway, I happened to tell her she was naive to think that any man would spend time and invest a hell of a lot of money in a girl unless he was looking for something more….looking for some sort of return on his investment. And then she asked if I was looking for something more since I always put up with her talking, and I said, “I’m not going to pay for you!” But I meant, I don’t pay for you. Anyway…she threw this fit about thinking that I think she’s a slut, and what worries me is this girl’s personality is almost impossible to crush…..and there she was, just pissed.

Who knows, I apologized, I sent her a sweet little something. Thought I’d just tell you about my latest social blunder. But geez, it is the truth of the matter that few women catch on: men rarely invest so much time unless they want some relationship with you, a friend of yours, or someone you can help them get to. It’s true.

There are exceptions, like myself….but well, most other guys admit to it, so I suppose I must be right.

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I don’t think you’ve lost her…be optimistic Brad. If you really are such great friends you’ll make up. *HUG* It’s ok. Glad you are feeling somewhat better.

October 2, 2002

yeay! you’re back…I was feeling all alone for a little while there….*sigh*

lol i can see where she might have thought that u spending time w/ her was along the same lines, but yeah if any of my good guy friends starting all of a sudden buying me gifts i’d be like riight..ok they’re either trying to get action or trying to get me to help them get some somewhere..lol..she’ll cool off in time..i think..if not..throw some cold water on her;) anyhow..i hope you’re feeling all

better and stuffs..thanks for the note..make me smile;)..lol well i thought u were gonna be mad if i didnt post soon and u were like bleh on me for sayin mm was first..so i thought i at least ought to put something up:)..anyhow..im off;)

Nice one…sorry I’m a little late on checking diaries, but life around here has been so busy (haha yeah whatever). I hope you are feeling better now and that your play goes well, or went well. It’s been nice to still hear from you even though Greg and I are no longer together. Amy