LOOOONG Survey of Stormies.

It’s not like me to do a survey, but I’m bored.

Personal Stuff…

Full Name: Bradley Owen Jennings

Name Backwards: Sgninnej Newo Yeldarb

Were you named after anyone? My first name is my oldest brother’s middle name.

Does your name mean anything? Don’t know what it means….except that Brad’s are like little tacs…..hmm.

Nick Name(s): Mab, Brandon, Snoopy, Harry, Wally….

Screen Name(s): Luther Kincaid

Date Of Birth: 7-31-83

Place of Birth: Barron, WI

Nationality: Heritage wise? Irish, Polish, British, Hungarian Gypsy, Danish, Swedish.

Current Location: River Falls, WI

Sign: Leo

Religion: No denomination, but I believe in heaven and God, I mostly resemble a Christian.

Height: 5’11” or 6’0″

Weight: 135 lbs.

Shoe Size: 11 1/2

Hair color: Almost black, but it’s brown

Eye color: Green with brownish middles.

Innie or Outie? Innie

Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous? Almost ambidextrous, but I’m a righty.

Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? straight

Who is your…

Best friend(s): Casey, Beth, Luke, Bridgett, Jessica, Bekah, Greg(yes, a shocker), Lindsey.

Best friend you trust more than anyone: Casey.

Significant other: None

Parent(s): Gregory Sr. And Eugenia

Worst Enemy: As in we despise each other? Nobody I guess…maybe Fate….:)

Favorite on-line Guy(s): Joe…he’s actually the only one I know or care to….lol.

Favorite on-line Girl(s): AJ, Jess, Beks, Gretchen.

Funniest friend: Casey

Craziest friend: Casey

Advice Friend: Casey…see a pattern?

Loudest Friend: Casey…shocker hey?

Person you cry with: Uhhhh…..

Do You Have…

Any sisters: Nopers.

Any brothers: Jon, Dave, Greg Jr.

Any pets: Maya the black lab…

A Disease: Uhh…..insanity isn’t a disease is it?

A Pager: Nope

A Personal phone line: Nope….don’t need one.

A Cell phone: I’m behind the times…so no.

A Lava lamp: Nope…but I think they’re cool if that counts….lol.

A Pool or hot tub: I live on a lake, why have a pool?

A Car: Oh yes, a good one too…which I always lock the keys in….bugger.

Describe Your…

Personality: Optimistic, Kind, Generous, Good-Humored, Not very confident, exuberant, filially ungrateful but justified…sensible and outgoing.

Driving: I drive really fast and scare the crap out of people.

Car or one you want: A dark green Eagle Vision with leather interior….ohhhh so nice…but the radio doesn’t work…..I don’t mind.

Room: Casey’s half is a storage for junk, mine’s not much neater, but it’s livable.

Closet: Packed with clothes and food.

School: Not as big as you would guess by looking at it. Small and friendly and cool.

Bed: A single, with a really cool outer blanket and a zebra pillow….doesn’t have to be a single, plenty of room for two…;)

Relationship with your parent(s): I hate them for their personalities but am thankful for what they’ve done for me. Somehow they made me a good person so if we say the ends justifies the means, they’re good. But I won’t forgive them for what they’ve done….yeah…we already know Brad….

Do You…

Believe in yourself: Yes, because I won’t settle for less than what I dream.

Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes…because I believe there is a love that begins and grows to a greater kind of love.

Consider yourself a good listener: I listen and I know how to respond well, actually, I’m very proud, perhaps arrogant about how I can read people by what they do and don’t say.

Consider yourself a good friend: A very good friend because I believe that what others do to me should not determine how I act towards them.

Save your e-mail conversations: Just Nina’s….oh! That’s right…she’s another favorite online gal!

Pray: Sometimes, I forget a lot cuz it wasn’t regimen when I was young.

Believe in reincarnation: It’s possible, it’d be cool…who knows?

Like to talk on the phone: Sure…..like in person better.

Like to drive: Absolutely.

Get motion sickness: I can read a novel in a car going 90….stomach of steel…..hoowah! (Flexes)

Eat the stems of broccoli: Like em better than the heads.

Eat Chicken fingers with a fork: Fork? What’s a fork?

Dream in color: Always….vivid.

Type with your fingers on home row: of course….

Sleep with a stuffed animal: Sure…my puppies are sooo cute….(makes kissy face and realizes what he’s doing) Oh….stuffed animals? What kind of self-respecting guy has stuff animals…(cough)

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lol that was cute..hey i can read a novel in fast moving car too and ppl are like god doesnt that give you a headache..no because the book isn’t moving, the car is lol..some ppl cant do it i guess..oh dwell i had fun reading this:)