Little Survey to Unfreeze my Poor hands

1.Chances are you probably have a crush on someone, what qualities does that person has that draw you to them? Their amazing golden eyes(they look gold), their independence and their dorkiness….;)

2. A wall stands before you that goes endlessly in all directions. It cannot be surmounted in any way. What do you do? Beat it with my fists until I break through.

3. If you were moving in a week, what things would you miss? I’d miss my friends and a lot of opportunities I would have.

4. Do you prefer hugs or kisses? Kisses.

5. Mean people are taking over the world! If you could be a super hero, what would your super power be? To do anything I wanted…haha! Beats all other super powers!

6. There is a turtle lying flipped over in the desert. He cannot right himself and is dying in the sun. Would you walk on and leave him there? If I was in the desert I would focus my strength on getting the hell out of there, the turtle is going to die anyway, he’s damn slow and will bake even if he moves…

7. Which of your friends has the biggest hidden pervert side? Cordell…dear God that innocent boy is twisted.

8. When you have the house to yourself what do you do?? Dance naked…I mean…ahem…nothing.

9. If you had only two days to live, what would you do? Tell the people who I have a crush on that I have two days to live and ask for sex.

10. Who do you know that is the worst video game freak ever? Me.

11. Do you consider yourself to be popular, in the “middle class” of popular, just there, a dork, or an outcast? Popular in some circles, outcast in others.

12. What was your favorite fortune from a fortune cookie? You suck. It was a gag fortune cookie.

13. What is the all around stupidest thing you have ever done out of all the stupid things we know you did throughout your life? Ack….I don’t know…that one time I danced naked…don’t ask…plz.

14. What would you do if you had a seventeen year old boy/girl in your bed? If it was a boy, I’d scream, run, call the cops and swear nothing happened. If it was a girl, I’d probably wonder why the hell she was in my bed and then run, scream, and call the cops. If they just show up there, it wouldn’t be cool.

15. Would you rather date the boy next door or the most popular guy in school? Not my thing really, but thanks for asking.

16. Your dream date? Candle-lit picnic under the stars in the summer, in the winter a nice fireside, music-filled talk laying next to each other.

17. What’s next to you right now? Cds, a clock, pens, paper, plugs, a TV, DVDs, video games, stapler, stuffed dogs….

18. If you could turn back time? I’d find the way to genetically alter women to all love me.

19. What scares you? Death.

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we have the same last name 🙂 lol… nice survey. -rachel- redheaded penny lane (not signed in)

Nice survey, I’m stealing it, sorry.

Cool survey, Brad.

ryn: they say the journey is more important that where you’re going…so far i’ve found that to be true. 🙂

“than” where you’re going.

Haha, nice survey ~*Betsy*~