
Lily white, soft and sweet,

Flick’ring like star showers,

Petals styled trim and neat,

Queen among the enchanting flowers,

Chill me through with burning heat.

Suttle smile warm and dear,

Yet blinding as mid-day snow,

Fading problems, clouding fear,

More blissful than any drug I know,

Leave me yet my mind keeps you near.

Dear lily I do admire

Your effortless form and grace,

Which melts ice and freezes fire,

Yet more magical is your embrace,

Which ungiven I still feel–I still desire.

Flora hear blunt words flow,

Save you lily, eloquence I always pay,

For genuine and perfect words I owe

You for the melodies hidden in all you say,

A privilege for mortals to hear and know.

In your presence I always smile,

Yet deem not my words meaningless,

For I tease not, you just beguile

My every move the way I love best

With sweet song echoing all the while.

Thus I end this doter’s rhyme,

An ode to my lily, sweet and white,

Paid for ecstacy granted over time,

Within your gaze I know all is right,

All is sweet, soft, and sublime.

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that’s so cute…. I know I kýnda always say thýs but I admýre your talent!!! you are awesome!!!!

great 🙂


I’m going to read more, i like it.

I’m hugging all the diaries I read *HUG*

nice..hey u know that in these u mention the title, whereas in the stone dealie u didnt..anyhow..i’ve been forgetting to sign but i figure u know it’s me right? lol