Keep Em Rollin

1. What Is The Weirdest Song You’ve Ever Found Yourself Enjoying?

“Play” By JLo actually. I hate all that crap and yet it somehow got in me.

2. Okay, honesty time, have you ever had a hot, sexy dream about someone and woke up and couldn’t look them in the eye the next day…if so, who? Yes…two people actually. Mandy Gonzalez and Bekah Hinrichs…..*blushes*

3. Have you ever bit the ends off of a piece of licorice and used it for a straw? I don’t think so.

4. Who is the hottest person on the entire face of the universe? As far as hot goes….maybe Carmen Electra or Hilary Olson…;)

5. Who is the hottest person you actually know in REAL LIFE? Hilary I think….I’m trying to think of anyone really hot that I know…sorry if I forget someone…;)

6. What CD do you think you may die without?

Any Collective Soul Cd…thank God I have em then right?

7. What is the stupidest thing you’ve ever done? Danced naked for a hooker on a street corner…I was in a hotel room on the fifth floor…hehe….don’t ask….or have you already?

8. Do you often find yourself looking for things that aren’t really there? Hold on, I just saw something fly by the window….

9. Do you believe in love at first sight? Yes.

10. What’s the craziest/scariest experiance you ever had at school? The scariest experience I had in high school was having to talk to Hilary about THE POEM!!

11. Do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? If so what’s their name? No.

12. What do you find to be the most devious thing you’ve ever done? Stole money, lied, just about everything I do is evil and devious…I could be just an enigma wrapped in a mystery that you think you know…*sighs* no…I’m me and pretty crappy.

13. What word describes you the best? Drowning.

14. Have you ever had one of those “crazy people moments?” Not really, but then again, I AM crazy.

15. Do you ever find yourself watching infomercials at night? Ha…never.

16. Ever had a run in with a celebrity? What was that like? I waved and the guy totally blew me off….well I’ll give Stifler a thing or two….

17. Finish this sentence: If I were an animal I’d be…

Roasting on a grill by now…..

18. Favorite movie? All these questions were unique and suddenly this one? The Jerk or Heat.

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Of course I don’t mind you borrowing them. I stole them from someone else. *smiles*…take care!!!!

Ask away! :o)

I’m a little upset at the fact you don’t think I’m hot though! ;o)

I’m trying to decide whether to steal both of your recent surveys or not. I feel I’m not being unique or letting you be unique by copying you. 🙂