Immature!? I’m not you doo-doo head!

I don’t have much to say really, just a few updates I guess….

A.Got straight ‘A’s last semester….I know…not exciting…but now my playstation 2 will be coming with me to college…whooppee!!

B.Homefires is going really well, though I somehow throughout my back during the show…must be old age…cough cough..

C.Uh…so yeah…that actually was it….but I noticed that my diary lacked a lot of c’s so I decided to put a few more in. C….C…..C…..there… the balance is restored.

D.To Mr. Raven Nightstorm….I don’t care if people think I’m dumb and wierd…that’s just fine with me….because frankly, anyone whose willing to declare a little silliness as a sign of stupidity obviously hasn’t met any of the great minds of our time or any time. Not to mention you of all people should be judging since I didn’t ever deem you as a retard despite the fact that everybody in our school seemed to make you act and talked about you as if you were one. If we’re going to start flinging the shit, trust me buddy….every lump you’ve got on me I’ve got a pile for you.

Thus ends another entry of updates, threats, and alphabet equilibrium…….

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Congrats on your grades! So modest…I’d take all A’s though I didn’t do too badly myself. Yay for playstations! Anyway I have a headache but I thought I’d leave you a note. Hope you are well.

u r soooo wikid! im sorry i just like ya!!!